Multi-Component Integrable Systems and Invariant Curve Flows in Certain Geometries Changzheng Qu, Junfeng Song, Ruoxia Yao
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Invertible Darboux Transformations Ekaterina Shemyakova
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From Quantum $A_N$ (Sutherland) to $E_8$ Trigonometric Model: Space-of-Orbits View Alexander V. Turbiner
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Dynamical Equations, Invariants and Spectrum Generating Algebras of Mechanical
Systems with Position-Dependent Mass Sara Cruz y Cruz, Oscar Rosas-Ortiz
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Upper Bounds for Mutations of Potentials John Alexander Cruz Morales, Sergey Galkin
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On the $N$-Solitons Solutions in the Novikov–Veselov Equation Jen-Hsu Chang
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Vector-Valued Polynomials and a Matrix Weight Function with $B_2$-Action Charles F. Dunkl
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The Construction of Spin Foam Vertex Amplitudes Eugenio Bianchi, Frank Hellmann
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Binary Darboux Transformations in Bidifferential Calculus and Integrable Reductions of Vacuum Einstein Equations Aristophanes Dimakis, Folkert Müller-Hoissen
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The Clifford Deformation of the Hermite Semigroup Henrik De Bie, Ben Ørsted, Petr Somberg, Vladimir Souček
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On the $n$-Dimensional Porous Medium Diffusion Equation and Global Actions of the Symmetry Group Jose A. Franco
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Specialized Orthonormal Frames and Embedding Frank B. Estabrook
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Semiclassical Loop Quantum Gravity and Black Hole Thermodynamics Arundhati Dasgupta
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Courant Algebroids. A Short History Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach
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On a Trivial Family of Noncommutative Integrable Systems Andrey V. Tsiganov
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A Generalization of the Hopf–Cole Transformation Paulius Miškinis
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The Cauchy Problem for Darboux Integrable Systems and Non-Linear d'Alembert Formulas Ian. M. Anderson, Mark E. Fels
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Bispectrality of the Complementary Bannai–Ito Polynomials Vincent X. Genest, Luc Vinet, Alexei Zhedanov
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The Unruh Effect in General Boundary Quantum Field Theory Daniele Colosi, Dennis Rätzel
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On a Seminal Paper by Karlin and McGregor Mirta M. Castro, F. Alberto Grünbaum
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Ammann Tilings in Symplectic Geometry Fiammetta Battaglia, Elisa Prato
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Integrable Flows for Starlike Curves in Centroaffine Space Annalisa Calini, Thomas Ivey, Gloria Marí-Beffa
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Object-Image Correspondence for Algebraic Curves under Projections Joseph M. Burdis, Irina A. Kogan, Hoon Hong
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Cauchy Problem for a Darboux Integrable Wave Map System and Equations of Lie Type Peter J. Vassiliou
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A Projection Argument for Differential Inclusions, with Applications to Persistence of Mass-Action Kinetics Manoj Gopalkrishnan, Ezra Miller, Anne Shiu
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A Quasi-Lie Schemes Approach to Second-Order Gambier Equations José F. Cariñena, Partha Guha, Javier de Lucas
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$G$-Strands and Peakon Collisions on $\rm{Diff}\,(\mathbb{R})$ Darryl D. Holm, Rossen I. Ivanov
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Free Fermi and Bose Fields in TQFT and GBF Robert Oeckl
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Solving Local Equivalence Problems with the Equivariant Moving Frame Method Francis Valiquette
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Pentagon Relations in Direct Sums and Grassmann Algebras Igor G. Korepanov, Nurlan M. Sadykov
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The Pascal Triangle of a Discrete Image: Definition, Properties and Application to Shape
Analysis M. Boutin, Sh. Huang
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On Orbifold Criteria for Symplectic Toric Quotients Carla Farsi, Hans-Christian Herbig, Christopher Seaton
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The Symmetry Group of Lamé's System and the Associated Guichard Nets for Conformally Flat Hypersurfaces João Paulo dos Santos, Keti Tenenblat
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Geometry of Optimal Control for Control-Affine Systems Jeanne N. Clelland, Christopher G. Moseley, George R. Wilkens
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On Addition Formulae of KP, mKP and BKP Hierarchies Yoko Shigyo
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On Local Congruence of Immersions in Homogeneous or Nonhomogeneous Spaces Jeongoo Cheh
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A Note on the Automorphism Group of the Bielawski–Pidstrygach Quiver Igor Mencattini, Alberto Tacchella
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Relative Critical Points Debra Lewis
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Drinfeld Doubles for Finite Subgroups of $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ and $\mathrm{SU}(3)$ Lie Groups Robert Coquereaux, Jean-Bernard Zuber
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Dunkl Operators as Covariant Derivatives in a Quantum Principal Bundle Micho Ðurđevich, Stephen Bruce Sontz
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On the Linearization of Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations to the Laguerre Form via Generalized Sundman Transformations M. Tahir Mustafa, Ahmad Y. Al-Dweik, Raed A. Mara'beh
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Fourier, Gegenbauer and Jacobi Expansions for a Power-Law Fundamental Solution of the Polyharmonic Equation and Polyspherical Addition Theorems Howard S. Cohl
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Vector-Valued Polynomials and a Matrix Weight Function with $B_{2}$-Action. II Charles F. Dunkl
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Two-Dimensional Toda–Heisenberg Lattice Vadim E. Vekslerchik
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Euler Equations Related to the Generalized Neveu–Schwarz Algebra Dafeng Zuo
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On Addition Formulae for Sigma Functions of Telescopic Curves Takanori Ayano, Atsushi Nakayashiki
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The Universal Askey–Wilson Algebra and DAHA of Type $(C_1^{\vee},C_1)$ Paul Terwilliger
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Combinatorial Formulae for Nested Bethe Vectors Vitaly Tarasov, Alexander Varchenko
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A Common Structure in PBW Bases of the Nilpotent Subalgebra of $U_q(\mathfrak{g})$ and Quantized Algebra of Functions Atsuo Kuniba, Masato Okado, Yasuhiko Yamada
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A Connection Formula for the $q$-Confluent Hypergeometric Function Takeshi Morita
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Twisted Cyclic Cohomology and Modular Fredholm Modules Adam Rennie, Andrzej Sitarz, Makoto Yamashita
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Invariant Discretization Schemes Using Evolution–Projection Techniques Alexander Bihlo, Jean-Christophe Nave
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Parameterizing the Simplest Grassmann–Gaussian Relations for Pachner Move 3–3 Igor G. Korepanov, Nurlan M. Sadykov
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Extended $T$-System of Type $G_2$ Jian-Rong Li, Evgeny Mukhin
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$\mathfrak{spo}(2|2)$-Equivariant Quantizations on the Supercircle $S^{1|2}$ Najla Mellouli, Aboubacar Nibirantiza, Fabian Radoux
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Integrability of Discrete Equations Modulo a Prime Masataka Kanki
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Contractions of 2D 2nd Order Quantum Superintegrable Systems and the Askey Scheme for Hypergeometric Orthogonal Polynomials Ernest G. Kalnins, Willard Miller Jr., Sarah Post
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Bethe Vectors of Quantum Integrable Models with $\mathrm{GL}(3)$ Trigonometric $R$-Matrix Samuel Belliard, Stanislav Pakuliak, Eric Ragoucy, Nikita A. Slavnov
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Solvable Many-Body Models of Goldfish Type with One-, Two- and Three-Body Forces Oksana Bihun, Francesco Calogero
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Generalized Fuzzy Torus and its Modular Properties Paul Schreivogl, Harold Steinacker
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The Algebra of a $q$-Analogue of Multiple Harmonic Series Yoshihiro Takeyama
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Period Matrices of Real Riemann Surfaces and Fundamental Domains Pietro Giavedoni
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Leibniz Algebras and Lie Algebras Geoffrey Mason, Gaywalee Yamskulna
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Dunkl-Type Operators with Projections Terms Associated to Orthogonal Subsystems in Roots System Fethi Bouzeffour
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Special Functions of Hypercomplex Variable on the Lattice Based on SU(1,1) Nelson Faustino
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Symmetry and Intertwining Operators for the Nonlocal Gross–Pitaevskii Equation Aleksandr L. Lisok, Aleksandr V. Shapovalov, Andrey Yu. Trifonov
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An Index for Intersecting Branes in Matrix Models Harold Steinacker, Jochen Zahn
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Ultradiscrete sine-Gordon Equation over Symmetrized Max-Plus Algebra, and Noncommutative Discrete and Ultradiscrete sine-Gordon Equations Kenichi Kondo
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Quasicomplex $\mathcal{N}=2$, $d=1$ Supersymmetric Sigma Models Evgeny A. Ivanov, Andrei V. Smilga
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Ultradiscrete Painlevé VI with Parity Variables Kouichi Takemura, Terumitsu Tsutsui
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Levi-Civita's Theorem for Noncommutative Tori Jonathan Rosenberg
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Heisenberg XXX Model with General Boundaries: Eigenvectors from Algebraic Bethe Ansatz Samuel Belliard, Nicolas Crampé
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Direct Connection between the $\text{R}_{\text{II}}$ Chain and the Nonautonomous Discrete Modified KdV Lattice Kazuki Maeda, Satoshi Tsujimoto
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The Infinitesimalization and Reconstruction of Locally Homogeneous Manifolds Anthony D. Blaom
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Partner Symmetries, Group Foliation and ASD Ricci-Flat Metrics without Killing Vectors Mikhail B. Sheftel, Andrei A. Malykh
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Ground-State Analysis for an Exactly Solvable Coupled-Spin Hamiltonian Eduardo Mattei, Jon Links
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Boundary Interactions for the Semi-Infinite $q$-Boson System and Hyperoctahedral Hall–Littlewood Polynomials Jan Felipe Van Diejen, Erdal Emsiz
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Integrable Hierarchy of the Quantum Benjamin–Ono Equation Maxim Nazarov, Evgeny Sklyanin
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A Centerless Virasoro Algebra of Master Symmetries for the Ablowitz–Ladik Hierarchy Luc Haine, Didier Vanderstichelen
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Dirac Operators on Noncommutative Curved Spacetimes Alexander Schenkel, Christoph F. Uhlemann
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Representation Theory of Quantized Enveloping Algebras with Interpolating Real Structure Kenny De Commer
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Mathematical Structure of Loop Quantum Cosmology: Homogeneous Models Martin Bojowald
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