On Classification of Finite-Dimensional Superbialgebras and Hopf Superalgebras Said Aissaoui, Abdenacer Makhlouf
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Symmetries and Special Solutions of Reductions of the Lattice Potential KdV Equation Christopher M. Ormerod
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Global Embedding of the Reissner–Nordström Metric in the Flat Ambient Space Sergey A. Paston, Anton A. Sheykin
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Embedding Theorems for the Dunkl Harmonic Oscillator on the Line Jesús A. Álvarez López, Manuel Calaza
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Why Do the Relativistic Masses and Momenta of Faster-than-Light Particles Decrease as their Speeds Increase? Judit X. Madarász, Mike Stannett, Gergely Székely
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The Master $T$-Operator for Inhomogeneous $XXX$ Spin Chain and mKP Hierarchy Anton Zabrodin
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The $(n,1)$-Reduced DKP Hierarchy, the String Equation and $W$ Constraints Johan van de Leur
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Systems of Differential Operators and Generalized Verma Modules Toshihisa Kubo
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The Heisenberg Relation — Mathematical Formulations Richard V. Kadison, Zhe Liu
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Exploring the Causal Structures of Almost Commutative Geometries Nicolas Franco, Michał Eckstein
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Symmetries of the Free Schrödinger Equation in the Non-Commutative Plane Carles Batlle, Joaquim Gomis, Kiyoshi Kamimura
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Geometric Constructions Underlying Relativistic Description of Spin on the Base of Non-Grassmann Vector-Like Variable Alexei A. Deriglazov, Andrey M. Pupasov-Maksimov
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Semistability of Principal Bundles on a Kähler Manifold with a Non-Connected Structure Group Indranil Biswas, Tomás L. Gómez
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Integrable Boundary for Quad-Graph Systems: Three-Dimensional Boundary Consistency Vincent Caudrelier, Nicolas Crampé, Qi Cheng Zhang
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On the Smoothness of the Noncommutative Pillow and Quantum Teardrops Tomasz Brzeziński
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Second Order Symmetries of the Conformal Laplacian Jean-Philippe Michel, Fabian Radoux, Josef Šilhan
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Dynamics of an Inverting Tippe Top Stefan Rauch-Wojciechowski, Nils Rutstam
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Fukaya Categories as Categorical Morse Homology David Nadler
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Tight Frame with Hahn and Krawtchouk Polynomials of Several Variables Yuan Xu
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The Sturm–Liouville Hierarchy of Evolution Equations and Limits of Algebro-Geometric Initial Data Russell Johnson, Luca Zampogni
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Commutative Families of the Elliptic Macdonald Operator Yosuke Saito
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The Real $K$-Theory of Compact Lie Groups Chi-Kwong Fok
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Dispersionless BKP Hierarchy and Quadrant Löwner Equation Takashi Takebe
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M-Theory with Framed Corners and Tertiary Index Invariants Hisham Sati
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A Characterization of Invariant Connections Maximilian Hanusch
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Symmetry Groups of $A_n$ Hypergeometric Series Yasushi Kajihara
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The Structure of Line Bundles over Quantum Teardrops Albert Jeu-Liang Sheu
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Rigged Configurations and Kashiwara Operators Reiho Sakamoto
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On Projections in the Noncommutative 2-Torus Algebra Michał Eckstein
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Tilting Modules in Truncated Categories Matthew Bennett, Angelo Bianchi
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Nontrivial Deformation of a Trivial Bundle Piotr M. Hajac, Bartosz Zieliński
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Modules with Demazure Flags and Character Formulae Vyjayanthi Chari, Lisa Schneider, Peri Shereen, Jeffrey Wand
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Hyperkähler Manifolds of Curves in Twistor Spaces Roger Bielawski
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Integrable Background Geometries D. M. J. Calderbank
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Selfdual 4-Manifolds, Projective Surfaces, and the Dunajski–West Construction D. M. J. Calderbank
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A Note on Gluing Dirac Type Operators on a Mirror Quantum Two-Sphere Slawomir Klimek, Matt McBride
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Twistor Theory of the Airy Equation Michael Cole, Maciej Dunajski
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A “Continuous” Limit of the Complementary Bannai–Ito Polynomials: Chihara Polynomials Vincent X. Genest, Luc Vinet, Alexei Zhedanov
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Fusion Procedure for Cyclotomic Hecke Algebras Oleg V. Ogievetsky, Loïc Poulain d'Andecy
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Mystic Reflection Groups Yuri Bazlov, Arkady Berenshtein
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A Notable Relation between $N$-Qubit and $2^{N-1}$-Qubit Pauli Groups via Binary $\mathrm{LGr}(N,2N)$ Frédéric Holweck, Metod Saniga, Péter Lévay
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Twistors and Bi-Hermitian Surfaces of Non-Kähler Type Akira Fujiki, Massimiliano Pontecorvo
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Functions Characterizing the Ground State of the XXZ Spin-1/2 Chain in the Thermodynamic Limit Maxime Dugave, Frank Göhmann, Karol Kajetan Kozlowski
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Vector Polynomials and a Matrix Weight Associated to Dihedral Groups Charles F. Dunkl
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Bäcklund–Darboux Transformations and Discretizations of Super KdV Equation Ling-Ling Xue, Qing Ping Liu
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Scalar Flat Kähler Metrics on Affine Bundles over $\mathbb{CP}^1$ Nobuhiro Honda
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Graded Limits of Minimal Affinizations in Type $D$ Katsuyuki Naoi
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Multi-Hamiltonian Structures on Spaces of Closed Equicentroaffine Plane Curves Associated to Higher KdV Flows Atsushi Fujioka, Takashi Kurose
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The Classification of All Crossed Products $H_4 \# k[C_{n}]$ Ana-Loredana Agore, Costel-Gabriel Bontea, Gigel Militaru
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Geometric Aspects of the Painlevé Equations $\mathrm{PIII(D_6)}$ and $\mathrm{PIII(D_7)}$ Marius van der Put, Jaap Top
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Gravity in Twistor Space and its Grassmannian Formulation Freddy Cachazo, Lionel Mason, David Skinner
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Twisted (2+1) $\kappa$-AdS Algebra, Drinfel'd Doubles and Non-Commutative Spacetimes Ángel Ballesteros, Francisco J. Herranz, Catherine Meusburger, Pedro Naranjo
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Towards Non-Commutative Deformations of Relativistic Wave Equations in 2+1 Dimensions Bernd J. Schroers, Matthias Wilhelm
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Two-Point Functions on Deformed Spacetime Josip Trampetić, Jiangyang You
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Ordered $*$-Semigroups and a $C^*$-Correspondence for a Partial Isometry Berndt Brenken
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Integrable Systems Related to Deformed $\mathfrak{so}(5)$ Alina Dobrogowska, Anatol Odzijewicz
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Induced Representations and Hypergroupoids Jean Renault
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Schur Positivity and Kirillov–Reshetikhin Modules Ghislain Fourier, David Hernandez
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Configurations of an Articulated Arm and Singularities of Special Multi-Flags Fernand Pelletier, Mayada Slayman
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Local Proof of Algebraic Characterization of Free Actions Paul F. Baum, Piotr M. Hajac
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Twistor Topology of the Fermat Cubic John Armstrong, Simon Salamon
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Deformations of the Canonical Commutation Relations and Metric Structures Francesco D'Andrea, Fedele Lizzi, Pierre Martinetti
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Gauge Theory on Twisted $\kappa$-Minkowski: Old Problems and Possible Solutions Marija Dimitrijević, Larisa Jonke, Anna Pachoł
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Non-Commutative Resistance Networks Marc A. Rieffel
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Bicrossed Products, Matched Pair Deformations and the Factorization Index for Lie Algebras Ana-Loredana Agore, Gigel Militaru
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Non-Point Invertible Transformations and Integrability of Partial Difference Equations Sergey Ya. Startsev
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Asymptotic Analysis of the Ponzano–Regge Model with Non-Commutative Metric Boundary Data Daniele Oriti, Matti Raasakka
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Groupoid Actions on Fractafolds Marius Ionescu, Alex Kumjian
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Special Solutions and Linear Monodromy for the Two-Dimensional Degenerate Garnier System $\mathrm{G(1112)}$ Kazuo Kaneko
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On the Conjectures Regarding the 4-Point Atiyah Determinant Mazen N. Bou Khuzam, Michael J. Johnson
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Spherical Functions of Fundamental $K$-Types Associated with the $n$-Dimensional Sphere Juan Alfredo Tirao, Ignacio Nahuel Zurrián
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The GraviGUT Algebra Is not a Subalgebra of $E_8$, but $E_8$ Does Contain an Extended GraviGUT Algebra Andrew Douglas, Joe Repka
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Big Bang, Blowup, and Modular Curves: Algebraic Geometry in Cosmology Yuri I. Manin, Matilde Marcolli
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The Soccer-Ball Problem Sabina Hossenfelder
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Energy Spectrum and Phase Transition of Superfluid Fermi Gas of Atoms on Noncommutative Space Yan-Gang Miao, Hui Wang
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Quantum Isometry Groups of Noncommutative Manifolds Obtained by Deformation Using Dual Unitary 2-Cocycles Debashish Goswami, Soumalya Joardar
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Quantitative $K$-Theory Related to Spin Chern Numbers Terry A. Loring
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Some Noncommutative Matrix Algebras Arising in the Bispectral Problem F. Alberto Grünbaum
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Group Momentum Space and Hopf Algebra Symmetries of Point Particles Coupled to $\boldsymbol{2+1}$ Gravity Michele Arzano, Danilo Latini, Matteo Lotito
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The Variety of Integrable Killing Tensors on the 3-Sphere Konrad Schöbel
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Werner's Measure on Self-Avoiding Loops and Welding Angel Chavez, Doug Pickrell
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Locally Compact Quantum Groups. A von Neumann Algebra Approach Alfons Van Daele
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Generalised Chern–Simons Theory and $\mathrm{G}_2$-Instantons over Associative Fibrations Henrique N. Sá Earp
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A Compact Formula for Rotations as Spin Matrix Polynomials Thomas L. Curtright, David B. Fairlie, Cosmas K. Zachos
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The Ongoing Impact of Modular Localization on Particle Theory Bert Schroer
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Matrix Bases for Star Products: a Review Fedele Lizzi, Patrizia Vitale
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Exact Free Energies of Statistical Systems on Random Networks Naoki Sasakura, Yuki Sato
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Piecewise Principal Coactions of Co-Commutative Hopf Algebras Bartosz Zieliński
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Maximal Green Sequences of Exceptional Finite Mutation Type Quivers Ahmet I. Seven
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Hypergeometric Solutions of the $A_4^{(1)}$-Surface $q$-Painlevé IV Equation Nobutaka Nakazono
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A Reciprocal Transformation for the Constant Astigmatism Equation Adam Hlaváč, Michal Marvan
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Beables/Observables in Classical and Quantum Gravity Edward Anderson
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Generalized Coefficients for Hopf Cyclic Cohomology Mohammad Hassanzadeh, Dan Kucerovsky, Bahram Rangipour
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$\mathcal{A}=\mathcal{U}$ for Locally Acyclic Cluster Algebras Greg Muller
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Algebraic Geometry of Matrix Product States Andrew Critch, Jason Morton
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Invariant Poisson Realizations and the Averaging of Dirac Structures José A. Vallejo, Yurii Vorobiev
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Quantum Dimension and Quantum Projective Spaces Marco Matassa
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Center of Twisted Graded Hecke Algebras for Homocyclic Groups Wee Liang Gan, Matthew Highfield
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Wong's Equations and Charged Relativistic Particles in Non-Commutative Space Herbert Balasin, Daniel N. Blaschke, François Gieres, Manfred Schweda
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Selective Categories and Linear Canonical Relations David Li-Bland, Alan Weinstein
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Who's Afraid of the Hill Boundary? Richard Montgomery
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Particle Motion in Monopoles and Geodesics on Cones Maxence Mayrand
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On Certain Wronskians of Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials Lun Zhang, Galina Filipuk
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Effects of a Maximal Energy Scale in Thermodynamics for Photon Gas and Construction of Path Integral Sudipta Das, Souvik Pramanik, Subir Ghosh
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Everywhere Equivalent 3-Braids Alexander Stoimenow
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$\kappa$-Deformed Phase Space, Hopf Algebroid and Twisting Tajron Jurić, Domagoj Kovačević, Stjepan Meljanac
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$\kappa$-Deformations and Extended $\kappa$-Minkowski Spacetimes Andrzej Borowiec, Anna Pachoł
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The Generic Superintegrable System on the $3$-Sphere and the ${9j}$ Symbols of ${\mathfrak{su}(1,1)}$ Vincent X. Genest, Luc Vinet
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Prequantization of the Moduli Space of Flat $\mathrm{PU}(p)$-Bundles with Prescribed Boundary Holonomies Derek Krepski
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Demazure Modules, Chari–Venkatesh Modules and Fusion Products Bhimarthi Ravinder
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Mach-Type Soliton in the Novikov–Veselov Equation Jen-Hsu Chang
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Configurations of Points and the Symplectic Berry–Robbins Problem Joseph Malkoun
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Matrix Valued Classical Pairs Related to Compact Gelfand Pairs of Rank One Maarten Van Pruijssen, Pablo Román
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Periodic Vortex Streets and Complex Monodromy Adrian D. Hemery, Alexander P. Veselov
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The Freiheitssatz for Generic Poisson Algebras Pavel S. Kolesnikov, Leonid G. Makar-Limanov, Ivan P. Shestakov
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Non-Symmetric Basic Hypergeometric Polynomials and Representation Theory for Confluent Cherednik Algebras Marta Mazzocco
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