Plasma Investigations
Frequency and current–voltage characteristics of corona discharges in gas flows A. B. Vatazhin, V. A. Likhter, V. I. Shul'gin
1 |
The possibility of measuring the distribution of the temperature and concentration of emitting atoms in nonuniform plasma objects V. E. Banin
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Spatial distribution of plasma parameters near a shock wavefront in a gas discharge G. V. Najdis
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Traveling ionization front in a non-self-maintained high-pressure volume microwave discharge O. A. Sinkevich, V. E. Sosnin
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Model of a vacuum arc spot on a mercury cathode I. I. Beilis
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Excitation of nonlinear acoustic oscillations in moving inhomogeneous plasma. Equations for the interacting-wave amplitudes V. I. Komov, I. M. Rutkevich
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Thermal breakdown on electron shell of $\mathrm{Be}^+$ in dense high-temperature plasma. Calculation by the Monte Carlo method S. V. Shevkunov
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Effectiveness of the formation of singlet oxygen in a non-self-maintaining discharge in mixtures of $\mathrm{O}_2$ with noble gases A. N. Vasil'eva, K. S. Gulyaev, A. S. Kovalev, D. V. Lopaev
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Photoionization and bremsstrahlung light absorption in high-density metal vapor A. A. Likal'ter
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Calculating high-temperature transfer coefficients on the basis of effective interaction potentials of atomic particles A. P. Kalinin, V. B. Leonas, I. P. Rodionova
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Electron–ion pairs in thermodynamics of nonideal Coulomb systems and plasmas I. A. Mulenko, A. L. Khomkin
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Equation of state of n-hexane within a broad region of the critical point D. S. Kurumov
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Physical interpretation of data on the surface tension of binary systems of alkali metals V. Kh. Sheriev, T. P. Osiko, O. G. Ashkhotov
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Determination of the absorption and scattering coefficients of a monodisperse particle mixture V. I. Grabovskii
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hermal expansion of molybdenum in the temperature range $0\,\text{K}$ – $T_{\text{mt}}$ L. R. Fokin, V. Ya. Chekhovskoi
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Gas screen for a convex surface with external turbulence and a negative pressure gradient A. A. Khalatov, A. A. Avramenko, I. I. Borisov
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Experimental study of the impulsive discharge of a dense plasma into a submerged medium. Axisymmetric discharge regions A. F. Aleksandrov, I. B. Timofeev, U. Yusupaliev
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Cooling of surfaces by drop aerosol flows K. N. Agafonov, Yu. A. Buevich, V. N. Mankevich
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Characteristic times of phase interaction processes and their effect on dispersion and absorption of sound waves in vapor–gas–drop systems D. A. Gubaidullin, A. I. Ivandaev
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State of a binary gas mixture near an evaporating surface during intensive evaporation I. A. Kuznetsova, A. A. Yushkanov, Yu. I. Yalamov
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Experimental determination of the optical properties of fibrous quartz thermal insulation A. V. Kondratenko, S. S. Moiseev, V. A. Petrov, S. V. Stepanov
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Nonmonotonic stationary temperature fields in a plane translucent layer during heating by collimated radiation B. I. Aronov, Yu. K. Lingart, N. V. Marchenko, S. V. Stepanov
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Regimes of evaporation of a drop of a water aerosol A. N. Kucherov
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High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Wave processes in separator–drum failure in a nuclear power station with RBMK reactor B. L. Kantsyrev, B. I. Nigmatulin
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Short Communications
Оптические свойства плазмы в экстремальных состояниях. Эффекты некулоновости и плазменных колебаний A. Ya. Polishchuk
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Термодинамика термической диссоциации мета- и пироарсената свинца R. B. Shashanova, B. K. Kasenov, V. P. Malyshev
164 |
Анализ теплоемкости гексаборида европия в широкой области температур A. S. Bolgar, V. B. Muratov, P. P. Kogutyuk
167 |
Измерение относительной теплоемкости проводников методом температурных волн A. N. Safonov, A. D. Ivliev
169 |
Изучение упругих свойств сплавов висмут – кадмий – олово в жидком состоянии V. I. Stremousov, V. V. Tekuchev
172 |
Истечение газонасыщенной воды через короткие сопла V. E. Vinogradov, E. N. Sinitsyn
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О теплообмене круглой затопленной импактной струи A. I. Abrosimov, M. A. Kosorotov, A. A. Paramonov, M. D. Parfent'ev
177 |
Приближенный метод определения трения и теплообмена при химически неравновесном обтекании тел под углом атаки I. G. Brykina, V. V. Rusakov, V. G. Scherback
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Measurement of monocrystal temperature in the $300$–$700$ K range on the basis of infrared radiation absorption A. N. Magunov, E. V. Mudrov
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Тепловой режим лазера на парах свинца S. R. Davtyan, A. O. Nazaryan, G. E. Rylov, B. M. Smirnov
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Исследование теплового режима комбинированных электродов в МГДГ открытого цикла V. V. Kirillov, V. I. Zalkind, S. S. Shchigel'
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Экспериментальное исследование регулируемой тепловой трубы с парогазовым резервуаром A. G. Kalandarishvili, B. I. Ermilov, V. K. Mikheev
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Abstracts of Deposited Papers
Гидродинамика и теплообмен при криволинейном течении жидкости (анализ состояния вопроса с применением концепции эффективного диаметра) (№ 5614-В-90 Деп. от 01.11.1990) R. Kh. Mullakhmetov
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Вязкость разреженных газовых смесей азот – кислород в интервале температур $100$–$2000$ К (предварительные данные) (№ 5613-В-90 Деп. от 01.11.1990) I. A. Rogovaya, L. R. Fokin
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