With Wronskian through the Looking Glass Vassily Gorbounov, Vadim Schechtman
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A Fully Noncommutative Painlevé II Hierarchy: Lax Pair and Solutions Related to Fredholm Determinants Sofia Tarricone
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The Expansion of Wronskian Hermite Polynomials in the Hermite Basis Codruţ Grosu, Corina Grosu
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The Arithmetic Geometry of AdS$_2$ and its Continuum Limit Minos Axenides, Emmanuel Floratos, Stam Nicolis
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Quantum Groups for Restricted SOS Models Giovanni Felder, Muze Ren
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Poisson Principal Bundles Shahn Majid, Liam Williams
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Harmonic Analysis in $d$-Dimensional Superconformal Field Theory Ilija Burić
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Pfaffian Point Processes from Free Fermion Algebras: Perfectness and Conditional Measures Shinji Koshida
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Double Lowering Operators on Polynomials Paul Terwilliger
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$C$-Vectors and Non-Self-Crossing Curves for Acyclic Quivers of Finite Type Su Ji Hong
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Invariant Dirac Operators, Harmonic Spinors, and Vanishing Theorems in CR Geometry Felipe Leitner
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Topological $\mathrm{T}$-Duality for Twisted Tori Paolo Aschieri, Richard J. Szabo
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Curvature-Dimension Condition Meets Gromov's $n$-Volumic Scalar Curvature Jialong Deng
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The Subelliptic Heat Kernel of the Octonionic Anti-De Sitter Fibration Fabrice Baudoin, Gunhee Cho
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Stäckel Equivalence of Non-Degenerate Superintegrable Systems, and Invariant Quadrics Andreas Vollmer
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Exceptional Legendre Polynomials and Confluent Darboux Transformations María Ángeles García-Ferrero, David Gómez-Ullate, Robert Milson
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Convergence to the Product of the Standard Spheres and Eigenvalues of the Laplacian Masayuki Aino
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Quantum $\mathrm{K}$-Theory of Grassmannians and Non-Abelian Localization Alexander Givental, Xiaohan Yan
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Computing Regular Meromorphic Differential Forms via Saito's Logarithmic Residues Shinichi Tajima, Katsusuke Nabeshima
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A Spectral Triple for a Solenoid Based on the Sierpinski Gasket Valeriano Aiello, Daniele Guido, Tommaso Isola
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Parameter Permutation Symmetry in Particle Systems and Random Polymers Leonid Petrov
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The Differential Geometry of the Orbit Space of Extended Affine Jacobi Group $A_1$ Guilherme F. Almeida
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A Classification of Twisted Austere $3$-Folds Thomas A. Ivey, Spiro Karigiannis
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Space Curves and Solitons of the KP Hierarchy. I. The $l$-th Generalized KdV Hierarchy Yuji Kodama, Yuancheng Xie
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Some Algebraic Aspects of the Inhomogeneous Six-Vertex Model Vladimir V. Bazhanov, Gleb A. Kotousov, Sergii M. Koval, Sergei L. Lukyanov
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Mixed vs Stable Anti-Yetter–Drinfeld Contramodules Ilya Shapiro
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From Orthocomplementations to Locality Pierre Clavier, Li Guo, Sylvie Paycha, Bin Zhang
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Stringy Kähler Moduli for the Pfaffian–Grassmannian Correspondence Will Donovan
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Twisted Traces and Positive Forms on Quantized Kleinian Singularities of Type A Pavel Etingof, Daniil Klyuev, Eric Rains, Douglas Stryker
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Prescribed Riemannian Symmetries Alexandru Chirvasitu
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Representations of the Lie Superalgebra $\mathfrak{osp}(1|2n)$ with Polynomial Bases Asmus K. Bisbo, Hendrik De Bie, Joris Van der Jeugt
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An Introduction to Motivic Feynman Integrals Claudia Rella
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Invariants of Surfaces in Three-Dimensional Affine Geometry Örn Arnaldsson, Francis Valiquette
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Homotopy Invariance of the Space of Metrics with Positive Scalar Curvature on Manifolds with Singularities Boris Botvinnik, Mark G. Walsh
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Functional Relations on Anisotropic Potts Models: from Biggs Formula to the Tetrahedron Equation Boris Bychkov, Anton Kazakov, Dmitry Talalaev
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Interplay between Opers, Quantum Curves, WKB Analysis, and Higgs Bundles Olivia Dumitrescu, Motohico Mulase
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Sobolev Lifting over Invariants Adam Parusiński, Armin Rainer
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The Primitive Derivation and Discrete Integrals Daisuke Suyama, Masahiko Yoshinaga
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Degree-One Rational Cherednik Algebras for the Symmetric Group Briana Foster-Greenwood, Cathy Kriloff
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CFT Correlators for Cardy Bulk Fields via String-Net Models Christoph Schweigert, Yang Yang
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A Decomposition of Twisted Equivariant $K$-Theory José Manuel Gómez, Johana Ramírez
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Linear Independence of Generalized Poincaré Series for Anti-de Sitter $3$-Manifolds Kazuki Kannaka
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The Holonomy Groupoids of Singularly Foliated Bundles Lachlan Ewen Macdonald
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On the Abuaf–Ueda Flop via Non-Commutative Crepant Resolutions Wahei Hara
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How Discrete Spectrum and Resonances Influence the Asymptotics of the Toda Shock Wave Iryna Egorova, Johanna Michor
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On Scalar and Ricci Curvatures Gerard Besson, Sylvestre Gallot
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Geometry and Conservation Laws for a Class of Second-Order Parabolic Equations II: Conservation Laws Benjamin B. Mcmillan
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Double Box Motive Spencer Bloch
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Symmetry Breaking Differential Operators for Tensor Products of Spinorial Representations Jean-Louis Clerc, Khalid Koufany
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On $q$-Isomonodromic Deformations and $q$-Nekrasov Functions Hajime Nagoya
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Spectra of Compact Quotients of the Oscillator Group Mathias Fischer, Ines Kath
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Centralizers of Rank One in the First Weyl Algebra Leonid Makar-Limanov
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Gauss Hypergeometric Representations of the Ferrers Function of the Second Kind Howard S. Cohl, Justin Park, Hans Volkmer
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Nonsymmetric Macdonald Superpolynomials Charles F. Dunkl
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Equivariant Tilting Modules, Pfaffian Varieties and Noncommutative Matrix Factorizations Yuki Hirano
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From Heun Class Equations to Painlevé Equations Jan Dereziński, Artur Ishkhanyan, Adam Latosiński
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Asymptotic Estimation for Eigenvalues in the Exponential Potential and for Zeros of $K_{{\rm i}\nu}(z)$ with Respect to Order Yuri Krynytskyi, Andrij Rovenchak
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Integrable $\mathcal{E}$-Models, $4\mathrm{d}$ Chern–Simons Theory and Affine Gaudin Models. I. Lagrangian Aspects Sylvain Lacroix, Benoît Vicedo
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Families of Gröbner Degenerations, Grassmannians and Universal Cluster Algebras Lara Bossinger, Fatemeh Mohammadi, Alfredo Nájera Chávez
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Linear $\mathbb{Z}_2^n$-Manifolds and Linear Actions Andrew James Bruce, Eduardo Ibarguëngoytia, Norbert Poncin
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Extrinsic Geometry and Linear Differential Equations Boris Doubrov, Yoshinori Machida, Tohru Morimoto
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Positive Scalar Curvature on Spin Pseudomanifolds: the Fundamental Group and Secondary Invariants Boris Botvinnik, Paolo Piazza, Jonathan Rosenberg
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Completeness of SoV Representation for $\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb R)$ Spin Chains Sergey É. Derkachov, Karol K. Kozlowski, Alexander N. Manashov
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Generalized Gross–Neveu Universality Class with Non-Abelian Symmetry John A. Gracey
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New Techniques for Worldline Integration James P. Edwards, C. Moctezuma Mata, Uwe Müller, Christian Schubert
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Manin Matrices for Quadratic Algebras Alexey Silantyev
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A New Class of Integrable Maps of the Plane: Manin Transformations with Involution Curves Peter H. van der Kamp
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Good Wild Harmonic Bundles and Good Filtered Higgs Bundles Takuro Mochizuki
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Separation of Variables, Quasi-Trigonometric $r$-Matrices and Generalized Gaudin Models Taras Skrypnyk
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Singularities of Schubert Varieties within a Right Cell Martina Lanini, Peter J. McNamara
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$\mathbb{Z}_2^3$-Graded Extensions of Lie Superalgebras and Superconformal Quantum Mechanics Shunya Doi, Naruhiko Aizawa
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A Framework for Geometric Field Theories and their Classification in Dimension One Matthias Ludewig, Augusto Stoffel
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Locality and General Vacua in Quantum Field Theory Daniele Colosi, Robert Oeckl
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Non-Integrability of the Kepler and the Two-Body Problems on the Heisenberg Group Tomasz Stachowiak, Andrzej J. Maciejewski
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Resurgent Analysis of Ward–Schwinger–Dyson Equations Marc P. Bellon, Enrico I. Russo
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Quantum Representation of Affine Weyl Groups and Associated Quantum Curves Sanefumi Moriyama, Yasuhiko Yamada
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Second-Order Differential Operators in the Limit Circle Case Dmitri R. Yafaev
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Minimal Kinematics: An All $k$ and $n$ Peek into $\mathrm{Trop}^+\mathrm{G}(k,n)$ Freddy Cachazo, Nick Early
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Triality for Homogeneous Polynomials Laura P. Schaposnik, Sebastian Schulz
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An Expansion Formula for Decorated Super-Teichmüller Spaces Gregg Musiker, Nicholas Ovenhouse, Sylvester W. Zhang
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Quantization of Calogero–Painlevé System and Multi-Particle Quantum Painlevé Equations II–VI Fatane Mobasheramini, Marco Bertola
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Rank 2 Bundles with Meromorphic Connections with Poles of Poincaré Rank $1$ Claus Hertling
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Resolvent Trace Formula and Determinants of $\boldsymbol{n}$ Laplacians on Orbifold Riemann Surfaces Lee-Peng Teo
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Exponential Formulas, Normal Ordering and the Weyl–Heisenberg Algebra Stjepan Meljanac, Rina Štrajn
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Perturbative and Geometric Analysis of the Quartic Kontsevich Model Johannes Branahl, Alexander Hock, Raimar Wulkenhaar
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Algebraic Structures on Typed Decorated Rooted Trees Loїc Foissy
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Semiclassical Trans-Series from the Perturbative Hopf-Algebraic Dyson–Schwinger Equations: $\phi^3$ QFT in $6$ Dimensions Michael Borinsky, Gerald V. Dunne, Max Meynig
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Lax Pair for a Novel Two-Dimensional Lattice Maria N. Kuznetsova
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Virasoro Action on the $Q$-Functions Kazuya Aokage, Eriko Shinkawa, Hiro-Fumi Yamada
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Spinors, Twistors and Classical Geometry Nigel J. Hitchin
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Negative Times of the Davey–Stewartson Integrable Hierarchy Andrei K. Pogrebkov
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Cluster Configuration Spaces of Finite Type Nima Arkani-Hamed, Song He, Thomas Lam
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A Revisit to the ABS $\mathrm{H2}$ Equation Aye Aye Cho, Maebel Mesfun, Da-Jun Zhang
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Renormalization in Combinatorially Non-Local Field Theories: the BPHZ Momentum Scheme Johannes Thürigen
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Real Liouvillian Extensions of Partial Differential Fields Teresa Crespo, Zbigniew Hajto, Rouzbeh Mohseni
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Generically, Arnold–Liouville Systems Cannot be Bi-Hamiltonian Hassan Boualem, Robert Brouzet
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Liouville Action for Harmonic Diffeomorphisms Jinsung Park
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Hypergeometric Functions at Unit Argument: Simple Derivation of Old and New Identities Asena Çetinkaya, Dmitrii Karp, Elena Prilepkina
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Quot Schemes for Kleinian Orbifolds Alastair Craw, Søren Gammelgaard, Ádám Gyenge, Balázs Szendrői
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$c_2$ Invariants of Hourglass Chains via Quadratic Denominator Reduction Oliver Schnetz, Karen Yeats
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The Algebraic Structure of the KLT Relations for Gauge and Gravity Tree Amplitudes Hadleigh Frost
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Twistors, Self-Duality, and Spin${}^c$ Structures Claude LeBrun
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Invariant Differential Forms on Complexes of Graphs and Feynman Integrals Francis Brown
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Scaling Limits for the Gibbs States on Distance-Regular Graphs with Classical Parameters Masoumeh Koohestani, Nobuaki Obata, Hajime Tanaka
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A Sharp Lieb–Thirring Inequality for Functional Difference Operators Ari Laptev, Lukas Schimmer
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How to Draw a Correlation Function Nikolay Bogolyubov, Cyril Malyshev
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Clean Single-Valued Polylogarithms Steven Charlton, Claude Duhr, Herbert Gangl
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The Lattice Sine-Gordon Equation as a Superposition Formula for an NLS-Type System Dmitry K. Demskoi
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Scalar Curvatures of Invariant Almost Hermitian Structures on Generalized Flag Manifolds Lino Grama, Ailton R. Oliveira
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A Composite Order Generalization of Modular Moonshine Satoru Urano
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Boundary One-Point Function of the Rational Six-Vertex Model with Partial Domain Wall Boundary Conditions: Explicit Formulas and Scaling Properties Mikhail D. Minin, Andrei G. Pronko
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Form Factors of the Heisenberg Spin Chain in the Thermodynamic Limit: Dealing with Complex Bethe Roots Nikolai Kitanine, Giridhar Kulkarni
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Orthogonal Polynomial Stochastic Duality Functions for Multi-Species SEP$(2j)$ and Multi-Species IRW Zhengye Zhou
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