Yulij Sergeevich Ilyashenko
437 |
Immediate renormalization of cubic complex polynomials with empty rational lamination Alexander Blokh, Lex Oversteegen, Vladlen Timorin
441 |
Sub-Poissonian estimates for exponential moments of additive functionals over pairs of particles with respect to determinantal and symplectic Pfaffian point processes governed by entire functions A. I. Bufetov
463 |
On germs of constriction curves in model of overdamped Josephson junction, dynamical isomonodromic foliation and Painlevé 3 equation Alexey Glutsyuk
479 |
Non-stationary version of ergodic theorem for random dynamical systems Anton Gorodetski, Victor Kleptsyn
515 |
Gradient-like diffeomorphisms and periodic vector fields V. Z. Grines, L. M. Lerman
533 |
Fibered toric varieties Askold Khovanskii, Leonid Monin
545 |
Attractors with non-invariant interior Stanislav Minkov, Alexey Okunev, Ivan Shilin
559 |
Classification of Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms with a finite set of heteroclinic orbits on surfaces A. Morozov, O. Pochinka
571 |
Integrability of vector fields and meromorphic solutions Julio C. Rebelo, Helena Reis
591 |
Iterating skew evolutes and skew involutes: a linear analog of bicycle kinematics Serge Tabachnikov
625 |