Investigation of the transverse structure of the radiation field of an injection laser using an external dispersive resonator A. P. Bogatov, P. G. Eliseev, O. A. Kobildzhanov, M. P. Rakhval'skiĭ, A. V. Khaĭdarov
1765 |
Oxygen–iodine chemical laser with a longitudinally circulating active medium A. P. Zaikin, V. I. Igoshin, V. A. Katulin, N. L. Kupriyanov
1770 |
Off-axial oscillation modes in longitudinally pumped semiconductor lasers O. V. Bogdankevich, Yu. G. Gornev, S. A. Darznek, V. N. Katsap, L. A. Tumanova, V. N. Ulasyuk
1775 |
Investigation of a longitudinally excited pulse-periodic nitrogen laser A. I. Gorlov, V. V. Kyun, V. S. Skoz, Yu. M. Tokunov
1781 |
Laser utilizing erbium-activated gadolinium aluminum scandium garnet crystals coactivated with Cr3+ and emitting in the three-micron wavelength region Yu. K. Voronko, S. B. Gessen, I. V. Gribkov, A. A. Kiryukhin, S. V. Lavrishchev, D. I. Melikhov, V. V. Osiko, A. A. Sobol, V. M. Tatarintsev, S. N. Ushakov, L. I. Tsymbal
1785 |
Some characteristics of the radiation from a pulsed TEA CO2 laser with a liquid crystal modulator T. N. Belimenko, V. V. Danilov, O. B. Danilov, D. A. Savel'ev, A. I. Sidorov
1786 |
Energy and time characteristics of a streamer laser with longitudinal coupling out of radiation A. N. Pechenov, Yu. M. Popov, V. A. Frolov
1790 |
Active media
Influence of the addition of mercury and bromine on the characteristics of an electric-discharge HgBr laser E. A. Petrukhin, A. S. Podsosonnyĭ
1793 |
Resonant influence of the characteristics of an active medium on the profile of frequency resonances in a two-mode He–Ne/CH4 laser A. V. Nikul'chin, E. V. Koval'chuk
1799 |
Diagnostics of the active medium of a CO2 laser on the basis of the values of the gain at the wavelengths of 10.4 and 9.4 μm A. B. Vasil'ev, A. I. Odintsov, V. A. Spazhakin
1806 |
Optimal stimulated emission conditions in an He–Ne laser utilizing the 3p4–2s2 Ne (2.4 μm) transition S. B. Kotel'nikov, A. I. Popov
1813 |
Compensation for induced birefringence in active elements of pulse-periodic amplifiers R. A. Ganeev, V. V. Gorbushin, A. V. Zinov'ev, D. B. Kokurin, T. B. Usmanov, S. T. Khudaĭberganov
1816 |
Calculations of the energy efficiency of resonators in an oxygen–iodine chemical laser V. N. Azyazov, V. I. Igoshin, V. A. Katulin, N. L. Kupriyanov
1819 |
Control of laser radiation parameters
Broad-band tuning of Al2O3:Ti3+ laser radiation using an electrooptic filter Kh. S. Bagdasarov, V. P. Danilov, T. M. Murina, E. G. Novikov, A. M. Prokhorov, V. B. Semenov, E. A. Fedorov
1823 |
Generation of tunable ultrashort light pulses by a laser with dynamic distributed feedback in an external ring resonator A. A. Afanas'ev, V. A. Zaporozhchenko, A. V. Kachinskiĭ, M. V. Korol'kov, O. V. Chekhlov
1827 |
Some features of ultrashort pulse generation in a distributed feedback dye laser with two-photon pumping V. A. Zaporozhchenko, A. V. Kachinskiĭ, M. V. Korol'kov, O. V. Chekhlov
1832 |
Use of an intracavity adaptive mirror in control of the parameters of the radiation emitted from a copper vapor laser S. A. Gnedoĭ, A. V. Kudryashov, V. V. Samarkin, V. P. Yakunin
1837 |
Investigation of the possibility of controlling the output power of an industrial CO2 laser by an intracavity adaptive mirror S. A. Gnedoĭ, A. V. Kudryashov, V. V. Samarkin, V. P. Yakunin
1839 |
Use of disperse two-phase media in control of the laser radiation characteristics A. N. Kolerov, G. E. Epikhina
1841 |
Kinetics of stimulated emission from a copper vapor laser with a photorefractive-crystal nonlinear mirror V. Yu. Bazhenov, S. F. Lyuksyutov, S. G. Odulov, M. S. Soskin
1843 |
Compression of frequency-modulated pulses by dynamic scattering in the Laue geometry S. M. Arakelyan, L. P. Gevorkyan, V. A. Makarov
1846 |
Control of spectral and time characteristics of the radiation emitted by an electron-beam-controlled CO laser by intracavity spatial filtering M. A. Gutin, I. N. Zhivukhin, A. A. Ionin, A. P. Lytkin, Yu. V. Troitskii
1849 |
Generation of tunable giant pulses in Al2O3:Ti lasers V. P. Danilov, T. M. Murina, E. G. Novikov, A. M. Prokhorov
1853 |
Control of the time profile of a light pulse during transient self-diffraction O. P. Zaskal'ko, Yu. I. Kyzylasov, A. M. Mikhailov
1855 |
Nonlinear optics
Instability and oscillations in the case of a four-wave interaction of laser beams in inertial media N. L. Aleksandrov, V. V. Likhanskii, V. V. Turygin
1858 |
Interaction of counterpropagating waves and phase self-conjugation in a BaTiO$_3$ crystal A. V. Mamaev, V. V. Shkunov
1863 |
Theory of transient hyper-Raman scattering in gases Yu. P. Malakyan
1870 |
Phase conjugation due to stimulated Brillouin-scattering in a loop system with a mirror D. A. Nikolaev, V. I. Odintsov
1878 |
Stimulated four-photon nonlinear processes and parametric solitons in fiber waveguides L. M. Kovachev, V. N. Serkin
1881 |
Laser plasma
Structure of a spark channel formed by optical breakdown of gases at atmospheric pressure in the caustic of an axicon V. V. Korobkin, L. Ya. Margolin, L. Ya. Polonskiĭ, L. N. Pyatnitskiĭ
1885 |
Laser target technology at the Lebedev Physics Institute N. G. Borisenko, V. S. Bushuev, A. I. Gromov, V. M. Dorogotovtsev, A. I. Isakov, E. R. Koresheva, Yu. A. Merkul'ev, A. I. Nikitenko, S. M. Tolokonnikov
1895 |
Fiber and integrated optics
Influence of diffraction-induced emission of light on resonant conversion of surface waves in diffraction-coupled optical waveguides V. A. Kiselev, S. N. Shaposhnikov
1900 |
Optical anisotropy induced in a round trip through single-mode optical waveguides and methods for suppression of this anisotropy V. M. Gelikonov, V. I. Leonov, M. A. Novikov
1905 |
Influence of initial modulation on the process of data transfer by solitons in fiber-optic communication lines V. V. Konotop
1911 |
Applications of lasers and other topics in quantum electronics
Influence of reflection conditions on the optoelectronic signal in AlGaAs injection lasers V. N. Morozov, S. E. Solodov
1915 |
Laser microscope for time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy A. G. Vardanyan, V. F. Kamalov, N. I. Koroteev, O. V. Lobanov
1920 |
Optimal self-compression of multisoliton pulses in an optical fiber N. N. Akhmediev, L. L. Betina, V. M. Eleonskii, N. E. Kulagin, N. V. Ostrovskaya, É. A. Poltoratskiĭ
1925 |
Small-scale density inhomogeneities in the case of parametric interaction of radiation with gaseous media N. V. Karnaukhov, Yu. A. Rezunkov, V. V. Stepanov
1931 |
Increase in the data capacity of holographic disks carrying one-dimensional holograms A. L. Mikaelyan, A. F. Vanin, È. Kh. Gulanyan, B. S. Kretlov, I. V. Potapova, A. L. Telyatnikov
1936 |
Pulsed photothermal radiometry of absorption of YAG:Er3+ and CO2 laser radiation by biological tissues V. P. Zharov, B. V. Zubov, V. I. Loshchilov, T. M. Murina, S. M. Nikiforov, G. L. Odabashan, A. M. Prokhorov, G. P. Chebotareva
1941 |
Microscanning method for investigation of the intensity distribution in an injection laser beam A. P. Bogatov, O. A. Kobildzhanov, N. D. Kundikova
1944 |
Optical memory based on a biochemical structure Yu. A. Baranov, A. L. Gindilis, B. S. Kiselev, A. N. Koblov, A. L. Mikaelyan, V. K. Salakhutdinov
1946 |
Steady-state lasing in a system of coupled ring resonators with a shared photorefractive crystal amplifier M. V. Vasnetsov, V. B. Taranenko
1950 |