Lax Integrable Supersymmetric Hierarchies on Extented Phase Spaces Oksana Ye. Hentosh
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On the Effective Action of Dressed Mean Fields for $\mathcal N=4$ Super-Yang–Mills Theory Gorazd Cvetic, Igor Kondrashuk, Ivan Schmidt
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Heat Kernel Measure on Central Extension of Current Groups in any Dimension Rémi Léandre
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On Linearizing Systems of Diffusion Equations Christodoulos Sophocleous, Ron J. Wiltshire
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Integrable Discrete Equations Derived by Similarity Reduction of the Extended Discrete KP Hierarchy Andrei K. Svinin
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Orbit Functions Anatoliy Klimyk, Jiri Patera
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On the Gaussian Random Matrix Ensembles with Additional Symmetry Conditions Vladimir Vasilchuk
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Status Report on the Instanton Counting Sergey Shadchin
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On Action Invariance under Linear Spinor-Vector Supersymmetry Kazunari Shima, Motomu Tsuda
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Superintegrability on Three-Dimensional Riemannian and Relativistic Spaces of Constant Curvature Francisco José Herranz, Ángel Ballesteros
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Order Parameters in XXZ-Type Spin $\frac12$ Quantum Models with Gibbsian Ground States Wolodymyr Skripnik
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On Classical $r$-Matrix for the Kowalevski Gyrostat on $\mathrm{so}(4)$ Igor V. Komarov, Andrey V. Tsiganov
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Operator Gauge Symmetry in QED Siamak Khademi, Sadollah Nasiri
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On the Virasoro Structure of Symmetry Algebras of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations Faruk Güngör
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Auger Spectra and Different Ionic Charges Following $3s$, $3p$ and $3d$ Sub-Shells Photoionization of Kr Atoms Yehia A. Lotfy, Adel M. El-Shemi
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Extended Soliton Solutions in an Effective Action for $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ Yang–Mills Theory Nobuyuki Sawado, Noriko Shiiki, Shingo Tanaka
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Applications of Symmetry Methods to the Theory of Plasma Physics Giampaolo Cicogna, Francesco Ceccherini, Francesco Pegoraro
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Mathematical Analysis of a Generalized Chiral Quark Soliton Model Asao Arai
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Eigenvectors of Open Bazhanov–Stroganov Quantum Chain Nikolai Iorgov
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Duality-Symmetric Approach to General Relativity and Supergravity Alexei J. Nurmagambetov
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On the Degenerate Multiplicity of the $\mathrm{sl}_2$ Loop Algebra for the 6V Transfer Matrix at Roots of Unity Tetsuo Deguchi
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Real Hamiltonian Forms of Affine Toda Models Related to Exceptional Lie Algebras Vladimir S. Gerdjikov, Georgi G. Grahovski
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A Banach Principle for Semifinite von Neumann Algebras Vladimir Chilin, Semyon Litvinov
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On the Essential Spectrum of Many-Particle Pseudorelativistic Hamiltonians with Permutational Symmetry Account Grigorii Zhislin
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Ordered Dissipative Structures in Exciton Systems in Semiconductor Quantum Wells Andrey A. Chernyuk, Volodymyr I. Sudakov
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Functional Integral Approaches to the Bosonization of Effective Multi-Quark Interactions with $U_{\mathrm{A}}(1)$ Breaking Brigitte Hiller, Alexander A. Osipov, Véronique Bernard, Alex H. Blin
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Anomalously Slow Cross Symmetry Phase Relaxation, Thermalized Non-Equilibrated Matter and Quantum Computing Beyond the Quantum Chaos Border M. Bienert, J. Flores, S. Yu. Kun, T. H. Seligman
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Application of the Gel'fand Matrix Method to the Missing Label Problem in Classical Kinematical Lie Algebras Rutwig Campoamor-Stursberg
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Large-$j$ Expansion Method for Two-Body Dirac Equation A. Duviryak
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Supersymmetric Representations and Integrable Fermionic Extensions of the Burgers and Boussinesq Equations Arthemy V. Kiselev, Thomas Wolf
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$q$-Deformed Bi-Local Fields II Haruki Toyoda, Shigefumi Naka
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Localized Induction Equation for Stretched Vortex Filament Kimiaki Konno, Hiroshi Kakuhata
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A New Form of the Spherical Expansion of Zonal Functions and Fourier Transforms of $\mathrm{SO}(d)$-Finite Functions Agata Bezubik, Aleksander Strasburger
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On Orthogonality Relations for Dual Discrete $q$-Ultraspherical Polynomials Valentyna A. Groza, Ivan I. Kachuryk
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Calogero Model(s) and Deformed Oscillators Marijan Mileković, Stjepan Meljanac, Andjelo Samsarov
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Poisson–Lie Odd Bracket on Grassmann Algebra Dmitrij V. Soroka, Vyacheslav A. Soroka
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Regular and Chaotic Regimes in Scalar Field Cosmology Alexey V. Toporensky
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On the Generalized Maxwell–Bloch Equations Pavle Saksida
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Combined Reduced-Rank Transform Anatoli Torokhti, Phil Howlett
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Nonclassical Approximate Symmetries of Evolution Equations with a Small Parameter Svetlana Kordyukova
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Dirichlet and Neumann Problems for String Equation, Poncelet Problem and Pell–Abel Equation Vladimir P. Burskii, Alexei S. Zhedanov
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On Transitive Systems of Subspaces in a Hilbert Space Yuliya P. Moskaleva, Yurii S. Samoilenko
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Quasigraded Lie Algebras and Modified Toda Field Equations Taras V. Skrypnyk
043 |
Hamiltonian Flows of Curves in $G/SO(N)$ and Vector Soliton Equations of mKdV and Sine-Gordon Type Stephen C. Anco
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Electroweak Interaction Model with an Undegenerate Double Symmetry Leonid M. Slad
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Scale-Dependent Functions, Stochastic Quantization and Renormalization Mikhail V. Altaisky
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Internal Modes of Solitons and Near-Integrable Highly-Dispersive Nonlinear Systems Oksana V. Charkina, Mikhail M. Bogdan
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On Deformations and Contractions of Lie Algebras Alice Fialowski, Marc de Montigny
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On One Approach to Investigation of Mechanical Systems Valentin D. Irtegov, Tatyana N. Titorenko
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Perturbative Treatment of the Evolution Operator Associated with Raman Couplings Benedetto Militello, Paolo Aniello, Antonino Messina
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Gröbner Bases and Generation of Difference Schemes for Partial Differential Equations Vladimir P. Gerdt, Yuri A. Blinkov, Vladimir V. Mozzhilkin
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Consequences of Symmetries on the Analysis and Construction of Turbulence Models Dina Razafindralandy, Aziz Hamdouni
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On Regularized Solution for BBGKY Hierarchy of One-Dimensional Infinite System Tatiana V. Ryabukha
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Geodesic Flow and Two (Super) Component Analog of the Camassa–Holm Equation Partha Guha, Peter J. Olver
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On the Existence of Configurations of Subspaces in a Hilbert Space with Fixed Angles Natasha D. Popova, Yurii S. Samoilenko
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Extension of the Poincaré Symmetry and Its Field Theoretical Implementation Adrian Tanasa
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Dispersionless Hirota Equations of Two-Component BKP Hierarchy Kanehisa Takasaki
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A Dual Mesh Method for a Non-Local Thermistor Problem Abderrahmane El Hachimi, Moulay Rchid Sidi Ammi, Delfim F. M. Torres
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Finding Liouvillian First Integrals of Rational ODEs of Any Order in Finite Terms Yuri N. Kosovtsov
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$q$-Deformed KP Hierarchy and $q$-Deformed Constrained KP Hierarchy Jingsong He, Yinghua Li, Yi Cheng
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Constructing Soliton and Kink Solutions of PDE Models in Transport and Biology Vsevolod A. Vladimirov, Ekaterina V. Kutafina, Anna Pudelko
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Quantum Potential and Symmetries in Extended Phase Space Sadollah Nasiri
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The Painlevé Test and Reducibility to the Canonical Forms for Higher-Dimensional Soliton Equations with
Variable-Coefficients Tadashi Kobayashi, Kouichi Toda
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On a “Mysterious” Case of a Quadratic Hamiltonian Sergei Sakovich
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On the Linearization of Second-Order Differential and Difference Equations Vladimir Dorodnitsyn
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Quantum Entanglement and Projective Ring Geometry Michel Planat, Metod Saniga, Maurice R. Kibler
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The Relation Between the Associate Almost Complex Structure to $HM'$ and $(HM',S,T)$-Cartan Connections Ebrahim Esrafilian, Hamid Reza Salimi Moghaddam
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Painlevé Analysis and Similarity Reductions for the Magma Equation Shirley E. Harris, Peter A. Clarkson
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Integrable Models of Interaction of Matter with Radiation Vladimir I. Inozemtsev, Natalia G. Inozemtseva
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On a Negative Flow of the AKNS Hierarchy and Its Relation to a Two-Component Camassa–Holm Equation Henrik Aratyn, Jose Francisco Gomes, Abraham H. Zimerman
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Generalized Ellipsoidal and Sphero-Conal Harmonics Hans Volkmer
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Coupled Modified KP Hierarchy and Its Dispersionless Limit Takashi Takebe, Lee-Peng Teo
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Quasi-Exactly Solvable $N$-Body Spin Hamiltonians with Short-Range Interaction Potentials A. Enciso, F. Finkel, A. González-López, M. A. Rodríguez
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Combined Analysis of Two- and Three-Particle Correlations in $q,p$-Bose Gas Model Alexandre M. Gavrilik
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Prolongation Loop Algebras for a Solitonic System of Equations Maria A. Agrotis
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Orthogonality within the Families of $C$-, $S$-, and $E$-Functions of Any Compact Semisimple Lie Group Robert V. Moody, Jiri Patera
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The Torsion of Spinor Connections and Related Structures F. Klinker
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Integrable Hierarchy of Higher Nonlinear Schrödinger Type Equations Anjan Kundu
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$u$-Deformed WZW Model and Its Gauging Ctirad Klimčík
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A Formula for the Logarithm of the KZ Associator Benjamin Enriquez, Fabio Gavarini
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Quantum Field Theory in a Non-Commutative Space: Theoretical Predictions and Numerical Results on the Fuzzy
Sphere Marco Panero
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The Form Factor Program: a Review and New Results – the Nested $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ Off-Shell Bethe Ansatz Hratchya M. Babujian, Angela Foerster, Michael Karowski
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Fermion on Curved Spaces, Symmetries, and Quantum Anomalies Mihai Visinescu
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$\mathcal R$-Matrix and Baxter $\mathcal Q$-Operators for the Noncompact $\mathrm{SL}(N,\mathbb C)$ Invariant Spin Chain Sergey É Derkachov, Alexander N. Manashov
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Multivariable Christoffel–Darboux Kernels and Characteristic Polynomials of Random Hermitian Matrices Hjalmar Rosengren
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Quantum Gravity as a Broken Symmetry Phase of a BF Theory Aleksandar Miković
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Para-Grassmann Variables and Coherent States Daniel C. Cabra, Enrique F. Moreno, A. Tanasă
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Solvable Nonlinear Evolution PDEs in Multidimensional Space Francesco Calogero, Matteo Sommacal
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Einstein–Riemann Gravity on Deformed Spaces Julius Wess
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Non-Commutative Mechanics in Mathematical & in Condensed Matter Physics Peter A. Horváthy
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Dynamical $R$ Matrices of Elliptic Quantum Groups and Connection Matrices for the $q$-KZ Equations Hitoshi Konno
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A $q$-Analogue of the Centralizer Construction and Skew Representations of the Quantum Affine Algebra Mark J. Hopkins, Alexander I. Molev
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On the One Class of Hyperbolic Systems Vsevolod E. Adler, Alexey B. Shabat
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Noncommutative Geometry: Fuzzy Spaces, the Groenewold–Moyal Plane Aiyalam P. Balachandran, Babar Ahmed Qureshi
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Bethe Ansatz Solutions of the Bose–Hubbard Dimer Jon Links, Katrina E. Hibberd
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Restricted Flows and the Soliton Equation with Self-Consistent Sources Runliang Lin, Haishen Yao, Yunbo Zeng
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On the Darboux–Nijenhuis Variables for the Open Toda Lattice Yuriy A. Grigoryev, Andrey V. Tsiganov
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Invariant Varieties of Periodic Points for the Discrete Euler Top Satoru Saito, Noriko Saitoh
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