The Moments of the Hydrogen Atom by the Method of Brackets Ivan Gonzalez, Karen T. Kohl, Igor Kondrashuk, Victor H. Moll, Daniel Salinas
001 |
Symmetries of the Space of Linear Symplectic Connections Daniel J. F. Fox
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The Profinite Dimensional Manifold Structure of Formal Solution Spaces of Formally Integrable PDEs Batu Güneysu, Markus J. Pflaum
003 |
The Geometry of Almost Einstein $(2, 3, 5)$ Distributions Katja Sagerschnig, Travis Willse
004 |
Twistor Geometry of Null Foliations in Complex Euclidean Space Arman Taghavi-Chabert
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Spacetime-Free Approach to Quantum Theory and Effective Spacetime Structure Matti Raasakka
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Connected Lie Groupoids are Internally Connected and Integral Complete in Synthetic Differential Geometry Matthew Burke
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Classical and Quantum Superintegrability of Stäckel Systems Maciej Błaszak, Krzysztof Marciniak
008 |
$q$-Difference Kac–Schwarz Operators in Topological String Theory Kanehisa Takasaki, Toshio Nakatsu
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Classification of Multidimensional Darboux Transformations: First Order and Continued Type David Hobby, Ekaterina Shemyakova
010 |
Drinfeld J Presentation of Twisted Yangians Samuel Belliard, Vidas Regelskis
011 |
Irregular Conformal States and Spectral Curve: Irregular Matrix Model Approach Chaiho Rim
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Bôcher and Abstract Contractions of $2$nd Order Quadratic Algebras Mauricio A. Escobar Ruiz, Ernest G. Kalnins, Willard Miller Jr., Eyal Subag
013 |
Twists on the Torus Equivariant under the $2$-Dimensional Crystallographic Point Groups Kiyonori Gomi
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Bethe Vectors for Composite Models with $\mathfrak{gl}(2|1)$ and $\mathfrak{gl}(1|2)$ Supersymmetry Jan Fuksa
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Some Open Problems in Random Matrix Theory and the Theory of Integrable Systems. II Percy Deift
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Klein's Fundamental $2$-Form of Second Kind for the $C_{ab}$ Curves Joe Suzuki
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Ermakov–Painlevé II Symmetry Reduction of a Korteweg Capillarity System Colin Rogers, Peter A. Clarkson
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Lagrangian Mechanics and Reductionon Fibered Manifolds Songhao Li, Ari Stern, Xiang Tang
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Simplified Expressions of the Multi-Indexed Laguerre and Jacobi Polynomials Satoru Odake, Ryu Sasaki
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Central Configurations and Mutual Differences D. L. Ferrario
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$G$-Invariant Deformations of Almost-Coupling Poisson Structures José Antonio Vallejo, Yury Vorobiev
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On Toric Poisson Structures of Type $(1,1)$ and their Cohomology Arlo Caine, Berit Nilsen Givens
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Doran–Harder–Thompson Conjecture via SYZ Mirror Symmetry: Elliptic Curves Atsushi Kanazawa
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Multi-Poisson Approach to the Painlevé Equations: from the Isospectral Deformation to the Isomonodromic Deformation Hayato Chiba
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Another Approach to Juhl's Conformally Covariant Differential Operators from $S^n$ to $S^{n-1}$ Jean-Louis Clerc
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Rigidity and Vanishing Theorems for Almost Even-Clifford Hermitian Manifolds Ana Lucia Garcia-Pulido, Rafael Herrera
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A Complete Set of Invariants for LU-Equivalence of Density Operators Jacob Turner, Jason Morton
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Isomonodromy for the Degenerate Fifth Painlevé Equation Primitivo B. Acosta-Humánez, Marius van der Put, Jaap Top
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GKZ Hypergeometric Series for the Hesse Pencil, Chain Integrals and Orbifold Singularities Jie Zhou
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Zamolodchikov Tetrahedral Equation and Higher Hamiltonians of $2d$ Quantum Integrable Systems Dmitry V. Talalaev
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Local Generalized Symmetries and Locally Symmetric Parabolic Geometries Jan Gregorovič, Lenka Zalabová
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Contact Isotropic Realisations of Jacobi Manifolds via Spencer Operators María Amelia Salazar, Daniele Sepe
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Formal Integrals and Noether Operators of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Partial Differential Systems Admitting a Rich Set of Symmetries Sergey Ya. Startsev
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Liouville Correspondences between Integrable Hierarchies Jing Kang, Xiaochuan Liu, Peter J. Olver, Changzheng Qu
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Darboux and Binary Darboux Transformations for Discrete Integrable Systems. II. Discrete Potential mKdV Equation Ying Shi, Jonathan Nimmo, Junxiao Zhao
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Gustafson–Rakha-Type Elliptic Hypergeometric Series Hjalmar Rosengren
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Mendeleev Table: a Proof of Madelung Rule and Atomic Tietz Potential Eugene D. Belokolos
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Factor Ordering and Path Integral Measure for Quantum Gravity in (1+1) Dimensions John Haga, Rachel Lash Maitra
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A Linear System of Differential Equations Related to Vector-Valued Jack Polynomials on the Torus Charles F. Dunkl
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Non-Commutative Vector Bundles for Non-Unital Algebras Adam Rennie, Aidan Sims
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On the Equivalence of Module Categories over a Group-Theoretical Fusion Category Sonia Natale
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Highest $\ell$-Weight Representations and Functional Relations Khazret S. Nirov, Alexander V. Razumov
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Integrable Structure of Multispecies Zero Range Process Atsuo Kuniba, Masato Okado, Satoshi Watanabe
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Hodge Numbers from Picard–Fuchs Equations Charles F. Doran, Andrew Harder, Alan Thompson
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The Malgrange Form and Fredholm Determinants Marco Bertola
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Check-Operators and Quantum Spectral Curves Andrei Mironov, Alexei Morozov
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Equivariant Gromov–Witten Invariants of Algebraic GKM Manifolds Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu, Artan Sheshmani
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On the Spectra of Real and Complex Lamé Operators William A. Haese-Hill, Martin A. Hallnäs, Alexander P. Veselov
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Topology of Functions with Isolated Critical Points on the Boundary of a 2-Dimensional Manifold Bohdana I. Hladysh, Aleksandr O. Prishlyak
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Self-Dual Systems, their Symmetries and Reductions to the Bogoyavlensky Lattice Allan P. Fordy, Pavlos Xenitidis
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A Combinatorial Study on Quiver Varieties Shigeyuki Fujii, Satoshi Minabe
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Symmetries of the Hirota Difference Equation Andrei K. Pogrebkov
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Topological Phase Transition in a Molecular Hamiltonian with Symmetry and Pseudo-Symmetry, Studied through Quantum, Semi-Quantum and Classical Models Guillaume Dhont, Toshihiro Iwai, Boris Zhilinskii
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Global Existence of Bi-Hamiltonian Structures on Orientable Three-Dimensional Manifolds Melike Išim Efe, Ender Abadoğlu
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Zero Range Process and Multi-Dimensional Random Walks Nicolay M. Bogoliubov, Cyril Malyshev
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On Reductions of the Hirota–Miwa Equation Andrew N. W. Hone, Theodoros E. Kouloukas, Chloe Ward
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Relativistic DNLS and Kaup–Newell Hierarchy Oktay K. Pashaev, Jyh-Hao Lee
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Remarks on Contact and Jacobi Geometry Andrew James Bruce, Katarzyna Grabowska, Janusz Grabowski
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Integrability, Quantization and Moduli Spaces of Curves Paolo Rossi
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An Energy Gap for Complex Yang–Mills Equations Teng Huang
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Part III, Free Actions of Compact Quantum Groups on $\mathrm{C}^*$-Algebras Kay Schwieger, Stefan Wagner
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The Fock–Rosly Poisson Structure as Defined by a Quasi-Triangular $r$-Matrix Victor Mouquin
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A Generalization of the Doubling Construction for Sums of Squares Identities Chi Zhang, Hua-Lin Huang
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Rational Solutions of the Painlevé-II Equation Revisited Peter D. Miller, Yue Sheng
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Asymptotic Representations of Quantum Affine Superalgebras Huafeng Zhang
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Minuscule Schubert Varieties and Mirror Symmetry Makoto Miura
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Null Angular Momentum and Weak KAM Solutions of the Newtonian $N$-Body Problem Boris A. Percino-Figueroa
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An Elliptic Garnier System from Interpolation Yasuhiko Yamada
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Restriction of Odd Degree Characters of $\mathfrak{S}_n$ Christine Bessenrodt, Eugenio Giannelli, Jørn B. Olsson
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$N$-Bright-Dark Soliton Solution to a Semi-Discrete Vector Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation Bao-Feng Feng, Yasuhiro Ohta
071 |
On the Automorphisms of a Rank One Deligne–Hitchin Moduli Space Indranil Biswas, Sebastian Heller
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Classification of a Subclass of Two-Dimensional Lattices via Characteristic Lie Rings Ismagil Habibullin, Mariya Poptsova
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Coherent Transport in Photonic Lattices: A Survey of Recent Analytic Results Éric-Olivier Bossé, Luc Vinet
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Derivations and Spectral Triples on Quantum Domains I: Quantum Disk Slawomir Klimek, Matt McBride, Sumedha Rathnayake, Kaoru Sakai, Honglin Wang
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Factorizable $R$-Matrices for Small Quantum Groups Simon Lentner, Tobias Ohrmann
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Non-Homogeneous Hydrodynamic Systems and Quasi-Stäckel Hamiltonians Krzysztof Marciniak, Maciej Błaszak
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Rational Solutions to the ABS List: Transformation Approach Danda Zhang, Zhang Da-Jun
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Elliptic Determinantal Processes and Elliptic Dyson Models Makoto Katori
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Integrable Deformations of Sine-Liouville Conformal Field Theory and Duality Vladimir A. Fateev
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A Projective-to-Conformal Fefferman-Type Construction Matthias Hammerl, Katja Sagerschnig, Josef Šilhan, Arman Taghavi-Chabert, Vojtěch Žádník
081 |
Differential Calculus on $\mathbf{h}$-Deformed Spaces Basile Herlemont, Oleg Ogievetsky
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Twists of Elliptic Curves Max Kronberg, Muhammad Afzal Soomro, Jaap Top
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Realization of $U_q({\mathfrak{sp}}_{2n})$ within the Differential Algebra on Quantum Symplectic Space Jiao Zhang, Naihong Hu
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The Inverse Spectral Problem for Jacobi-Type Pencils Sergey M. Zagorodnyuk
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Parallelisms & Lie Connections David Blázquez-Sanz, Guy Casale
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Zeta Functions of Monomial Deformations of Delsarte Hypersurfaces Remke Kloosterman
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Positive Definite Functions on Complex Spheres and their Walks through Dimensions Eugenio Massa, Ana Paula Peron, Emilio Porcu
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A Universal Genus-Two Curve from Siegel Modular Forms Andreas Malmendier, Tony Shaska
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Orthogonal Rational Functions on the Unit Circle with Prescribed Poles not on the Unit Circle Adhemar Bultheel, Ruyman Cruz-Barroso, Andreas Lasarow
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James' Submodule Theorem and the Steinberg Module Meinolf Geck
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A Variation of the $q$-Painlevé System with Affine Weyl Group Symmetry of Type $E_7^{(1)}$ Hidehito Nagao
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Orbital Linearization of Smooth Completely Integrable Vector Fields Nguyen Tien Zung
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Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for the XXZ Gaudin Models with Generic Boundary Nicolas Crampe
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The Chazy XII Equation and Schwarz Triangle Functions Oksana Bihun, Sarbarish Chakravarty
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Four-Dimensional Painlevé-Type Equations Associated with Ramified Linear Equations III: Garnier Systems and Fuji–Suzuki Systems Hiroshi Kawakami
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An Application of the Moving Frame Method to Integral Geometry in the Heisenberg Group Hung-Lin Chiu, Yen-Chang Huang, Sin-Hua Lai
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On the Generalization of Hilbert's Fifth Problem to Transitive Groupoids Paweł Raźny
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Contractions of Degenerate Quadratic Algebras, Abstract and Geometric Mauricio A. Escobar Ruiz, Willard Miller Jr., Eyal Subag
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