Aspects of Calabi–Yau Integrable and Hitchin Systems Florian Beck
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Coadjoint Orbits of Lie Algebras and Cartan Class Michel Goze, Elisabeth Remm
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Note on Character Varieties and Cluster Algebras Kazuhiro Hikami
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Relations between Schoenberg Coefficients on Real and Complex Spheres of Different Dimensions Pier Giovanni Bissiri, Valdir A. Menegatto, Emilio Porcu
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Solution of an Open Problem about Two Families of Orthogonal Polynomials Walter Van Assche
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Open Problems for Painlevé Equations Peter A. Clarkson
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Supersingular Elliptic Curves and Moonshine Victor Manuel Aricheta
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Homogeneous Real $(2,3,5)$ Distributions with Isotropy Travis Willse
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On Reducible Degeneration of Hyperelliptic Curves and Soliton Solutions Atsushi Nakayashiki
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Studying Deformations of Fuchsian Representations with Higgs Bundles Brian Collier
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Decomposition of some Witten–Reshetikhin–Turaev Representations into Irreducible Factors Julien Korinman
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The Kashaev Equation and Related Recurrences Alexander Leaf
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Block-Separation of Variables: a Form of Partial Separation for Natural Hamiltonians Claudia Maria Chanu, Giovanni Rastelli
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Generalised Umbral Moonshine Miranda C. N. Cheng, Paul De Lange, Daniel P. Z. Whalen
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A Geometric Approach to the Concept of Extensivity in Thermodynamics Miguel Ángel García-Ariza
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The $q$-Borel Sum of Divergent Basic Hypergeometric Series ${}_r\varphi_s(a;b;q,x)$ Shunya Adachi
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Ghostpeakons and Characteristic Curves for the Camassa–Holm, Degasperis–Procesi and Novikov Equations Hans Lundmark, Budor Shuaib
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Perspectives on the Asymptotic Geometry of the Hitchin Moduli Space Laura Fredrickson
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Linear Representations and Frobenius Morphisms of Groupoids Juan Jesús Barbarán Sánchez, Laiachi El Kaoutit
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Braid Group Action on Affine Yangian Ryosuke Kodera
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Almost Lie Algebroids and Characteristic Classes Marcela Popescu, Paul Popescu
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On a Yang–Mills Type Functional Cătălin Gherghe
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$\tau$-Functions, Birkhoff Factorizations and Difference Equations Darlayne Addabbo, Maarten Bergvelt
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On Higgs Bundles on Nodal Curves Marina Logares
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A Solvable Deformation of Quantum Mechanics Alba Grassi, Marcos Mariño
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Contravariant Form on Tensor Product of Highest Weight Modules Andrey I. Mudrov
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A Short Guide to Orbifold Deconstruction Peter Bantay
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Explicit Solutions for a Nonlinear Vector Model on the Triangular Lattice V. E. Vekslerchik
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The Horn Problem for Real Symmetric and Quaternionic Self-Dual Matrices Robert Coquereaux, Jean-Bernard Zuber
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A Self-Dual Integral Form of the Moonshine Module Scott Carnahan
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A Family of $\mathrm{GL}_r$ Multiplicative Higgs Bundles on Rational Base Rouven Frassek, Vasily Pestun
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Construction of Two Parametric Deformation of KdV-Hierarchy and Solution in Terms of Meromorphic Functions on the Sigma Divisor of a Hyperelliptic Curve of Genus 3 Takanori Ayano, Victor M. Buchstaber
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$p$-Adic Properties of Hauptmoduln with Applications to Moonshine Ryan C. Chen, Samuel Marks, Matthew Tyler
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Jacobian Conjecture via Differential Galois Theory Elżbieta Adamus, Teresa Crespo, Zbigniew Hajto
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An Introduction to Higgs Bundles via Harmonic Maps Qiongling Li
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Construction of Intertwining Operators between Holomorphic Discrete Series Representations Ryosuke Nakahama
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Generalised Darboux–Koenigs Metrics and 3-Dimensional Superintegrable Systems Allan P. Fordy, Qing Huang
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The Laurent Extension of Quantum Plane: a Complete List of $U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$-Symmetries Sergey Sinel'shchikov
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Higgs Bundles and Geometric Structures on Manifolds Daniele Alessandrini
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Duality between Final-Seed and Initial-Seed Mutations in Cluster Algebras Shogo Fujiwara, Yasuaki Gyoda
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Hecke Operators on Vector-Valued Modular Forms Vincent Bouchard, Thomas Creutzig, Aniket Joshi
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Classification of Rank 2 Cluster Varieties Travis Mandel
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A Note on Spectral Triples on the Quantum Disk Slawomir Klimek, Matt McBride, John Wilson Peoples
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A Variational Perspective on Continuum Limits of ABS and Lattice GD Equations Mats Vermeeren
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Lax Representations for Separable Systems from Benenti Class Maciej Błaszak, Ziemowit Domański
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Meromorphic Solution of the Degenerate Third Painlevé Equation Vanishing at the Origin Alexander V. Kitaev
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Rational KdV Potentials and Differential Galois Theory Sonia Jiménez, Juan J. Morales-Ruiz, Raquel Sánchez-Cauce, María-Ángeles Zurro
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Invariants in Separated Variables: Yang–Baxter, Entwining and Transfer Maps Pavlos Kassotakis
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Heteroclinic Orbits and Nonintegrability in Two-Degree-of-Freedom Hamiltonian Systems with Saddle-Centers Kazuyuki Yagasaki, Shogo Yamanaka
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On Direct Integral Expansion for Periodic Block-Operator Jacobi Matrices and Applications Leonid Golinskii, Anton Kutsenko
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De Rham 2-Cohomology of Real Flag Manifolds Viviana del Barco, Luiz Antonio Barrera San Martin
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BPS Spectra, Barcodes and Walls Michele Cirafici
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Orthogonal Dualities of Markov Processes and Unitary Symmetries Gioia Carinci, Chiara Franceschini, Cristian Giardinà, Wolter Groenevelt, Frank Redig
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Interpolations between Jordanian Twists Induced by Coboundary Twists Andrzej Borowiec, Danile Meljanac, Stjepan Meljanac, Anna Pachoł
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Differential Galois Theory and Isomonodromic Deformations David Blázquez-Sanz, Guy Casale, Juan Sebastián Díaz Arboleda
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Invariant Nijenhuis Tensors and Integrable Geodesic Flows Konrad Lompert, Andriy Panasyuk
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Ricci Flow and Volume Renormalizability Eric Bahuaud, Rafe Mazzeo, Eric Woolgar
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Linear Differential Systems with Small Coefficients: Various Types of Solvability and their Verification Moulay A. Barkatou, Renat R. Gontsov
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Third Homology of some Sporadic Finite Groups Theo Johnson-Freyd, David Treumann
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Wavepackets on de Sitter Spacetime João C. A. Barata, Marcos Brum
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Loop Equations for Gromov–Witten Invariant of $\mathbb{P}^1$ Gaëtan Borot, Paul Norbury
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Integrable Modifications of the Ito–Narita–Bogoyavlensky Equation Rustem N. Garifullin, Ravil I. Yamilov
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Dynamic Equivalence of Control Systems and Infinite Permutation Matrices Jeanne N. Clelland, Yuhao Hu, Matthew W. Stackpole
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Lagrangian Grassmannians and Spinor Varieties in Characteristic Two Bert van Geemen, Alessio Marrani
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Multiparameter Schur $Q$-Functions Are Solutions of the BKP Hierarchy Natasha Rozhkovskaya
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Scalar Products in Twisted XXX Spin Chain. Determinant Representation Samuel Belliard, Nikita A. Slavnov
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Ergodic Decomposition for Inverse Wishart Measures on Infinite Positive-Definite Matrices Theodoros Assiotis
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Vertex Models and Spin Chains in Formulas and Pictures Khazret S. Nirov, Alexander V. Razumov
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Separability and Symmetry Operators for Painlevé Metrics and their Conformal Deformations Thierry Daudé, Niky Kamran, Francois Nicoleau
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Holomorphic Distributions and Connectivity by Integral Curves of Distributions Vladimir A. Zorich
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Stratified Bundles on Curves and Differential Galois Groups in Positive Characteristic Marius van der Put
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Spinorially Twisted Spin Structures. II: Twisted Pure Spinors, Special Riemannian Holonomy and Clifford Monopoles Rafael Herrera, Noemi Santana
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A Kähler Compatible Moyal Deformation of the First Heavenly Equation Marco Maceda, Daniel Martínez-Carbajal
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Combinatorial Expressions for the Tau Functions of $q$-Painlevé V and III Equations Yuya Matsuhira, Hajime Nagoya
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Twisted de Rham Complex on Line and Singular Vectors in $\widehat{{\mathfrak{sl}_2}}$ Verma Modules Alexey Slinkin, Alexander Varchenko
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Momentum Sections in Hamiltonian Mechanics and Sigma Models Noriaki Ikeda
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Modular Group Representations in Combinatorial Quantization with Non-Semisimple Hopf Algebras Matthieu Faitg
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The Transition Function of $G_2$ over $S^6$ Ádám Gyenge
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Dispersionless Multi-Dimensional Integrable Systems and Related Conformal Structure Generating Equations of Mathematical Physics Oksana Ye. Hentosh, Yarema A. Prikarpatsky, Denis Blackmore, Anatolij K. Prikarpatski
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Half-Spin Tautological Relations and Faber's Proportionalities of Kappa Classes Elba Garcia-Failde, Reinier Kramer, Danilo Lewański, Sergey Shadrin
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A Note on the Derivatives of Isotropic Positive Definite Functions on the Hilbert Sphere Janin Jäger
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One Parameter Family of Jordanian Twists Daniel Meljanac, Stjepan Meljanac, Zoran Škoda, Rina Štrajn
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Collective Heavy Top Dynamics Tomoki Ohsawa
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Knapp–Stein Type Intertwining Operators for Symmetric Pairs II. – The Translation Principle and Intertwining Operators for Spinors Jan Frahm, Bent Ørsted
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Hitchin Fibrations on Two-Dimensional Moduli Spaces of Irregular Higgs Bundles with One Singular Fiber Péter Ivanics, András I. Stipsicz, Szilárd Szabó
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The Ramificant Determinant Kingshook Biswas, Ricardo Pérez-Marco
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On the Geometry of Extended Self-Similar Solutions of the Airy Shallow Water Equations Roberto Camassa, Gregorio Falqui, Giovanni Ortenzi, Marco Pedroni
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Variations for Some Painlevé Equations Primitivo B. Acosta-Humánez, Marius van der Put, Jaap Top
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Symplectic Frieze Patterns Sophie Morier-Genoud
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Quasi-Polynomials and the Singular $[Q,R]=0$ Theorem Yiannis Loizides
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Locally Nilpotent Derivations of Free Algebra of Rank Two Vesselin Drensky, Leonid Makar-Limanov
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Correlation Functions of the Pfaffian Schur Process Using Macdonald Difference Operators Promit Ghosal
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Three-Dimensional Mirror Self-Symmetry of the Cotangent Bundle of the Full Flag Variety Richárd Rimányi, Andrey Smirnov, Alexander Varchenko, Zijun Zhou
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Bi-Hamiltonian Systems in (2+1) and Higher Dimensions Defined by Novikov Algebras Blażej M. Szablikowski
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Cohomology of Restricted Filiform Lie Algebras ${\mathfrak m}_2^\lambda(p)$ Tyler J. Evans, Alice Fialowski
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The Real Jacobi Group Revisited Stefan Berceanu
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Fun Problems in Geometry and Beyond Boris Khesin, Serge Tabachnikov
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Exact Bohr–Sommerfeld Conditions for the Quantum Periodic Benjamin–Ono Equation Alexander Moll
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Higher Rank Relations for the Askey–Wilson and $q$-Bannai–Ito Algebra Hadewijch De Clercq
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Picard–Vessiot Extensions of Real Differential Fields Teresa Crespo, Zbigniew Hajto
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Commuting Ordinary Differential Operators and the Dixmier Test Emma Previato, Sonia L. Rueda, Maria-Angeles Zurro
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