Mathematical logic, algebra and number theory
Cohomology for the Lie algebra of type $A_2$ over a field of characteristic $2$ Sh. Sh. Ibraev, B. E. Turbayev
729 |
When a (dual-)Baer module is a direct sum of (co-)prime modules M. R. Vedadi, N. Ghaedan
782 |
An example of a simple double Lie algebra V. Gubarev
834 |
On spaces of functional clones A. G. Pinus
901 |
Kleene star, subexponentials without contraction, and infinite computations S. L. Kuznetsov
905 |
HKSS-completeness of modal algebras N. Bazhenov
923 |
On read-once multifunctions in some base I. K. Sharankhaev
1098 |
On facets of the Newton polytope for the discriminant of the polynomial system I. A. Antipova, E. A. Kleshkova
1180 |
On some intervals in the lattice of ultraclones of rank $2$ S. A. Badmaev, A. E. Dugarov, I. V. Fomina, I. K. Sharankhaev
1210 |
On the join of Cross varieties of algebras I. M. Isaev
1299 |
Extensions of the category $S-Act$ E. E. Skurikhin, A. A. Stepanova, A. G. Sukhonos
1332 |
On centers of soluble graphs L. S. Kazarin, V. N. Tutanov
1517 |
On compressed zero-divisor graphs of finite commutative local rings E. V. Zhuravlev, O. A. Filina
1531 |
Characterization of groups $E_6(3)$ and ${^2}E_6(3)$ by Gruenberg–Kegel graph A. P. Khramova, N. V. Maslova, V. V. Panshin, A. M. Staroletov
1651 |
Special classes of positive preorders S. A. Badaev, B. S. Kalmurzayev, N. K. Mukash, A. A. Khamitova
1657 |
The sum of orders of elements in nonabelian groups of odd order A. A. Buturlakin, A. F. Tereshchenko
1698 |
On almost Engel $L$-varieties of vector spaces A. V. Kislitsin
1705 |
Locally free subgroups of one-relator groups A. I. Budkin
1757 |
Probability theory and mathematical statistics
Moderate deviations principle for independent random variables under sublinear expectations Q. Q. Zhou, A. V. Logachov
817 |
On the accuracy of the poissonisation in the infinite occupancy scheme M. Chebunin
1035 |
Remarks on invariance principle for one-parametric recursive residuals A. Sakhanenko, A. Kovalevskii, A. Shelepova
1058 |
The moderate deviations principle for the trajectories of compound renewal processes on the half – line A. V. Logachov, A. A. Mogulskii
1189 |
Asymptotics of sums of regression residuals under multiple ordering of regressors M. G. Chebunin, A. P. Kovalevskii
1482 |
Harris ergodicity of a Split Transmission Control Protocol S. G. Foss, M. G. Chebunin
1493 |
On representations and simulation of conditioned random walks on integer lattices A. Sakhanenko, S. Foss
1556 |
On the asymptotics of the probability to stay above a non-increasing boundary for a non-homogeneous compound renewal process A. D. Shelepova, A. I. Sakhanenko
1667 |
Geometry and topology
New proofs of infinitesimal rigidity of convex polyhedra and convex surfaces of revolution I. Kh. Sabitov
740 |
On the uniqueness of $ \mathcal{I}$-limits of sequences A. Blali, A. El Amrani, R. A. Hassani, A. Razouki
744 |
On PL embeddings of a 2-sphere in the 4-dimensional Euclidean space D. V. Bolotov
867 |
On geometrical properties of continuous mappings which preserve orientation of simplices V. A. Klyachin, N. A. Chåbanånko
985 |
On metrics admitting a discontinuum set of non-congruent immersions in $\mathbb R^3$ I. Kh. Sabitov
1023 |
The volume of a spherical antiprism with $S_{2n}$ symmetry N. Abrosimov, B. Vuong
1165 |
Quandles, quasoids and projections F. G. Korablev
1261 |
On semi-implicit numerical method for surface diffusion equation for triangulated surfaces Yu. D. Efremenko
1367 |
Spatial graphs and their isotopy classification V. M. Nezhinskij
1390 |
Continuous bijections of Borel subsets of the Sorgenfrey line on compact spaces V. R. Smolin
1735 |
Discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics
On a class of vertex-transitive distance-regular covers of complete graphs L. Yu. Tsiovkina
758 |
Path partitioning planar graphs with restrictions on short cycles A. N. Glebov
975 |
Vertex-vertex color energy of a graph S. Udupa, R. S. Bhat
1027 |
Distance-regular Terwilliger graphs with intersection arrays $\{50,42,1;1,2,50\}$ and $\{50,42,9;1,2,42\}$ do not exist A. A. Makhnev, M. S. Nirova
1075 |
Minimum weight bases for quaternary Reed – Muller codes F. I. Solov'eva
1358 |
Enumeration of strictly Deza graphs with at most $21$ vertices S. V. Goryainov, D. I. Panasenko, L. V. Shalaginov
1423 |
Tight description of faces in torus triangulations with minimum degree 5 O. V. Borodin, A. O. Ivanova
1475 |
Error-tolerant ZZW-construction Yu. V. Kosolapov, F. S. Pevnev
1506 |
Divisible design graphs with parameters $(4n,n+2,n-2,2,4,n)$ and $(4n,3n-2,3n-6,2n-2,4,n)$ L. Shalaginov
1742 |
Differentical equations, dynamical systems and optimal control
Reconstruction of a high-frequency source term of the wave equation from the asymptotics of the solution. Case of the Cauchy problem E. V. Korablina, V. B. Levenshtam
827 |
Local solvability of an approximate problem for one-dimensional equations of dynamics of viscous compressible heat-conducting multifluids A. E. Mamontov, D. A. Prokudin
931 |
A problem of normal oscillations of a system of bodies partially filled with ideal fluids under the action of an elastic damping device D. A. Zakora, K. V. Forduk
997 |
On solvability of the boundary value problem for one pseudohyperbolic equation L. N. Bondar, V. Nurmakhmatov
1046 |
On the stabilization of solutions to the initial-boundary value problem for the equations of dynamics of viscous compressible multicomponent media D. A. Prokudin
1278 |
Finding the parameters of exponential estimates of solutions to the Cauchy problem for some systems of linear delay differential equations N. V. Pertsev, K. K. Loginov
1307 |
On the existence of global solution of the system of equations of one-dimensional motion of a viscous liquid in a deformable viscous porous medium M. A. Tokareva, A. A. Papin
1397 |
Positive solutions of $p$-Laplacian fractional differential equations with fractional derivative boundary condition F. Haddouchi
1596 |
Invariant solutions of the gas dynamics equations from 4-parameter three-dimensional subalgebras containing all translations in space and pressure translation D. T. Siraeva
1639 |
Estimates for solutions to one class of nonlinear nonautonomous systems with time-varying concentrated and distributed delays I. I. Matveeva
1689 |
Solvability of a boundary value problem of chaotic dynamics of polymer molecule in the case of bounded interaction potential V. N. Starovoitov
1714 |
Computational mathematics
Operator-orthoregressive methods for identifying coefficients of linear difference equations A. A. Lomov
792 |
An application of the Chebyshev collocation method for the calculation of a mass flux in a long concentric annular channel O. V. Germider, V. N. Popov
805 |
On the question of good conditionality of unsaturated quadrature formulas V. N. Belykh
1083 |
Performance evaluation in stochastic process algebra dtsdPBC I. V. Tarasyuk
1105 |
Iteratively regularized Gauss–Newton method in the inverse problem of ionospheric radiosonding M. Yu. Kokurin, A. E. Nedopekin
1153 |
Optimization of nodes of composite quadrature formulas in the presence of a boundary layer N. A. Zadorin
1201 |
The accuracy of numerical simulation of the acoustic wave propagations in a liquid medium based on Navier-Stokes equations A. S. Kozelkov, O. L. Krutyakova, V. V. Kurulin, D. Yu. Strelets, M. A. Shishlenin
1238 |
Real, complex and functional analysis
Properties of extremal functions for $p$-capacity in $R^2$ A. S. Romanov
845 |
Application of integral transforms composition method (ITCM) to obtaining transmutations via integral transforms with Bessel functions in kernels E. L. Shishkina, S. M. Sitnik, I. Jebabli
884 |
Inverse problem for the Sturm–Liouville equation with piecewise entire potential and piecewise constant weight on a curve A. A. Golubkov
951 |
Extremality of $p$-harmonic functions in $R^2$ A. S. Romanov
1015 |
On the uniqueness of the solution to the Wiener–Hopf equation with probability kernel M. S. Sgibnev
1146 |
The ray transform of symmetric tensor fields with incomplete projection data, I: The kernel of the ray transform V. A. Sharafutdinov
1219 |
On finding the exact values of the constant in a $(1,q_2)$-generalized triangle inequality for Box-quasimetrics on $2$-step Carnot groups with $1$-dimensional center A. V. Greshnov
1251 |
Best approximation of differentiation operators on the Sobolev class of functions analytic in a strip R. R. Akopyan
1286 |
The problem on the measure of the union of line segments in the plane with restrictions on the set of their ends A. E. Lipin
1319 |
An open mapping theorem for the Navier-Stokes type equations associated with the de Rham complex over ${\mathbb R}^n$ A. A. Shlapunov, N. Tarkhanov
1433 |
Periodic interpolating-orthogonal bases of MRA and wavelets E. A. Pleshcheva
1467 |
Singular value decomposition of a normal Radon transform operator acting on 3D symmetric 2-tensor fields A. P. Polyakova
1572 |
Some questions on the relationship of the factorization problem of matrix functions and the truncated Wiener—Hopf equation in the Wiener algebra A. F. Voronin
1615 |
Reduction of the Kolmogorov inequality for a non negative part of the second derivative on the real line to the inequality for convex functions on an interval N. S. Payuchenko
1625 |
The length and area principle for a function on an abstract surface over a domain of a Carnot group M. V. Tryamkin
1720 |
Mathematical life
The Seventh International Olympiad in Cryptography: problems and solutions A. A. Gorodilova, N. N. Tokareva, S. V. Agievich, C. Carlet, V. A. Idrisova, K. V. Kalgin, D. N. Kolegov, A. V. Kutsenko, N. Mouha, M. A. Pudovkina, A. N. Udovenko
Ā.4 |
4th International Conference Groups and quandles in low-dimensional topology, Tomsk, July 5 – 8, 2021 N. V. Abrosimov, V. G. Gorbounov, S. K. Nechaev, M. Singh, A. Yu. Vesnin
Ā.30 |
The Conference "Dynamics in Siberia", Novosibirsk, March 1 – 6, 2021 I. A. Dynnikov, A. E. Mironov, I. A. Taimanov, V. A. Timorin, A. Yu. Vesnin
Ā.44 |
In memory of Yuri Reshetnyak S. S. Kutateladze
Ā.90 |
International S.B. Stechkin's Workshop-Conference on Function Theory dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Yu.N. Subbotin and N.I. Chernykh V. V. Arestov, V. I. Berdyshev, A. G. Babenko, Yu. S. Volkov, M. V. Deikalova
Ā.93 |