Asymptotic Formulas for Macdonald Polynomials and the Boundary of the $(q, t)$-Gelfand–Tsetlin Graph Cesar Cuenca
001 |
Poles of Painlevé IV Rationals and their Distribution Davide Masoero, Pieter Roffelsen
002 |
Manifold Ways to Darboux–Halphen System John Alexander Cruz Morales, Hossein Movasati, Younes Nikdelan, Raij Roychowdhury, Marcus A. C. Torres
003 |
Reconstructing a Lattice Equation: a Non-Autonomous Approach to the Hietarinta Equation Giorgio Gubbiotti, Christian Scimiterna
004 |
Poisson Geometry Related to Atiyah Sequences Kirill Mackenzie, Anatol Odzijewicz, Aneta Sliżewska
005 |
On the TASEP with Second Class Particles Eunghyun Lee
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Alvis–Curtis Duality for Finite General Linear Groups and a Generalized Mullineux Involution Olivier Dudas, Nicolas Jacon
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Darboux Integrability of Trapezoidal $H^{4}$ and $H^{6}$ Families of Lattice Equations II: General Solutions Giorgio Gubbiotti, Christian Scimiterna, Ravil I. Yamilov
008 |
Dual Polar Graphs, a nil-DAHA of Rank One, and Non-Symmetric Dual $q$-Krawtchouk Polynomials Jae-Ho Lee, Hajime Tanaka
009 |
Some Remarks on the Total CR $Q$ and $Q^\prime$-Curvatures Taiji Marugame
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Series Solutions of the Non-Stationary Heun Equation Farrokh Atai, Edwin Langmann
011 |
$k$-Dirac Complexes Tomáš Salač
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Elliptic Hypergeometric Sum/Integral Transformations and Supersymmetric Lens Index Andrew P. Kels, Masahito Yamazaki
013 |
Categorical Tori Nora Ganter
014 |
Billiards and Tilting Characters for $\mathrm{SL}_3$ George Lusztig, Geordie Williamson
015 |
Classifying Toric and Semitoric Fans by Lifting Equations from $\mathrm{SL}_2({\mathbb Z})$ Daniel M. Kane, Joseph Palmer, Álvaro Pelayo
016 |
Evolutionary Hirota Type $(2+1)$-Dimensional Equations: Lax Pairs, Recursion Operators and Bi-Hamiltonian Structures Mikhail B. Sheftel, Devrim Yazici
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Asymptotics for Hankel Determinants Associated to a Hermite Weight with a Varying Discontinuity Christophe Charlier, Alfredo Deaño
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Multivariate Quadratic Transformations and the Interpolation Kernel Eric M. Rains
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Special Solutions of Bi-Riccati Delay-Differential Equations Bjorn K. Berntson
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Nonlinear Stability of Relative Equilibria and Isomorphic Vector Fields Stefan Klajbor-Goderich
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Poisson Algebras and 3D Superintegrable Hamiltonian Systems Allan P. Fordy, Qing Huang
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On the Linearization Covering Technique and its Application to Integrable Nonlinear Differential Systems Anatolij K. Prykarpatski
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Fourier Series of Gegenbauer–Sobolev Polynomials Óscar Ciaurri, Judit Mínguez
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Elliptic Well-Poised Bailey Transforms and Lemmas on Root Systems Gaurav Bhatnagar, Michael J. Schlosser
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Hopf Algebroid Twists for Deformation Quantization of Linear Poisson Structures Stjepan Meljanac, Zoran Škoda
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Hopf Algebras which Factorize through the Taft Algebra $T_{m^{2}}(q)$ and the Group Hopf Algebra $K[C_{n}]$ Ana-Loredana Agore
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One of the Odd Zeta Values from $\zeta(5)$ to $\zeta(25)$ Is Irrational. By Elementary Means Wadim Zudilin
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On the Symplectic Structures in Frame Bundles and the Finite Dimension of Basic Symplectic Cohomologies Andrzej Czarnecki
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$\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{C})$ Gustafson Integrals Sergey É. Derkachov, Alexander N. Manashov, Pavel A. Valinevich
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Cartan Prolongation of a Family of Curves Acquiring a Node Susan Jane Colley, Gary Kennedy
031 |
Elliptically Distributed Lozenge Tilings of a Hexagon Dan Betea
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The Duals of the 2-Modular Irreducible Modules of the Alternating Groups John Murray
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Results Concerning Almost Complex Structures on the Six-Sphere Scott O. Wilson
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On Basic Fourier–Bessel Expansions José Luis Cardoso
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Surface Defects in E-String Compactifications and the van Diejen Model Belal Nazzal, Shlomo S. Razamat
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Singular Geometry and Higgs Bundles in String Theory Lara B. Anderson, Mboyo Esole, Laura Fredrickson, Laura P. Schaposnik
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Homomorphisms from Specht Modules to Signed Young Permutation Modules Kay Jin Lim, Kai Meng Tan
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Movable vs Monodromy Nilpotent Cones of Calabi–Yau Manifolds Shinobu Hosono, Hiromichi Takagi
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$({\mathfrak{gl}}_M, {\mathfrak{gl}}_N)$-Dualities in Gaudin Models with Irregular Singularities Benoît Vicedo, Charles Young
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A Variational Principle for Discrete Integrable Systems Sarah B. Lobb, Frank W. Nijhoff
041 |
Higher Derivatives of Airy Functions and of their Products Eugeny G. Abramochkin, Evgeniya V. Razueva
042 |
The Hyperbolic Asymptotics of Elliptic Hypergeometric Integrals Arising in Supersymmetric Gauge Theory Arash Arabi Ardehali
043 |
The $q$-Onsager Algebra and the Universal Askey–Wilson Algebra Paul Terwilliger
044 |
A $\tau$-Tilting Approach to Dissections of Polygons Vincent Pilaud, Pierre-Guy Plamondon, Salvatore Stella
045 |
Lower Bounds for Numbers of Real Self-Dual Spaces in Problems of Schubert Calculus Kang Lu
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On the Strong Ratio Limit Property for Discrete-Time Birth-Death Processes Erik A. van Doorn
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Recurrence Relations for Wronskian Hermite Polynomials Niels Bonneux, Marco Stevens
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Jacobi–Trudi Identity in Super Chern–Simons Matrix Model Tomohiro Furukawa, Sanefumi Moriyama
049 |
Evaluation of Certain Hypergeometric Functions over Finite Fields Fang-Ting Tu, Yifan Yang
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Quasi-Orthogonality of Some Hypergeometric and $q$-Hypergeometric Polynomials Daniel D. Tcheutia, Alta S. Jooste, Wolfram Koepf
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The Determinant of an Elliptic Sylvesteresque Matrix Gaurav Bhatnagar, Christian Krattenthaler
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A Spin Analogue of Kerov Polynomials Sho Matsumoto
053 |
Modified Algebraic Bethe Ansatz: Twisted XXX Case Samuel Belliard, Nikita A. Slavnov, Benoit Vallet
054 |
The Künneth Formula for the Twisted de Rham and Higgs Cohomologies Kai-Chieh Chen, Jeng-Daw Yu
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Asymptotics of Polynomials Orthogonal with respect to a Logarithmic Weight Thomas Oliver Conway, Percy Deift
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Dihedral Group, $4$-Torsion on an Elliptic Curve, and a Peculiar Eigenform Modulo $4$ Ian Kiming, Nadim Rustom
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Fuchsian Equations with Three Non-Apparent Singularities Alexandre Eremenko, Vitaly Tarasov
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Dressing the Dressing Chain Charalampos A. Evripidou, Peter H. van der Kamp, Cheng Zhang
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$(2+)$-Replication and the Baby Monster Chris Cummins, Rodrigo Matias
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On $q$-Deformations of the Heun Equation Kouichi Takemura
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Lie Algebroid Invariants for Subgeometry Anthony D. Blaom
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$d$-Orthogonal Analogs of Classical Orthogonal Polynomials Emil Horozov
063 |
The Functional Method for the Domain-Wall Partition Function Jules Lamers
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On the Coprimeness Property of Discrete Systems without the Irreducibility Condition Masataka Kanki, Takafumi Mase, Tetsuji Tokihiro
065 |
Quantum Klein Space and Superspace Rita Fioresi, Emanuele Latini, Alessio Marrani
066 |
Tetrahedron Equation and Quantum $R$ Matrices for $q$-Oscillator Representations Mixing Particles and Holes Atsuo Kuniba
067 |
Numerical Approach to Painlevé Transcendents on Unbounded Domains Christian Klein, Nikola Stoilov
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Loop Models and $K$-Theory Paul Zinn-Justin
069 |
The Solution of Hilbert's Fifth Problem for Transitive Groupoids Paweł Raźny
070 |
The Chevalley–Weil Formula for Orbifold Curves Luca Candelori
071 |
Generalized Burchnall-Type Identities for Orthogonal Polynomials and Expansions Mourad E. H. Ismail, Erik Koelink, Pablo Román
072 |
Asymptotic Expansions of Jacobi Polynomials for Large Values of $\beta$ and of Their Zeros Amparo Gil, Javier Segura, Nico M. Temme
073 |
On Regularization of Second Kind Integrals Julia Bernatska, Dmitry Leykin
074 |
On Some Applications of Sakai's Geometric Theory of Discrete Painlevé Equations Anton Dzhamay, Tomoyuki Takenawa
075 |
The Toda and Painlevé Systems Associated with Semiclassical Matrix-Valued Orthogonal Polynomials of Laguerre Type Mattia Cafasso, Manuel D. De La Iglesia
076 |
Connection Formula for the Jackson Integral of Type $A_n$ and Elliptic Lagrange Interpolation Masahiko Ito, Masatoshi Noumi
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$t$-Unique Reductions for Mészáros's Subdivision Algebra Darij Grinberg
078 |
Metrized Quantum Vector Bundles over Quantum Tori Built from Riemannian Metrics and Rosenberg's Levi–Civita Connections Leonard Huang
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Differential Geometric Aspects of Causal Structures Omid Makhmali
080 |
Local Type I Metrics with Holonomy in $\mathrm{G}_{2}^*$ Anna Fino, Ines Kath
081 |
A Matrix Baker–Akhiezer Function Associated with the Maxwell–Bloch Equations and their Finite-Gap Solutions Vladimir P. Kotlyarov
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Thinplate Splines on the Sphere Rick K. Beatson, Wolfgang zu Castell
083 |
Faithful Semitoric Systems Sonja Hohloch, Silvia Sabatini, Daniele Sepe, Margaret Symington
084 |
Renormalization of the Hutchinson Operator Yann Demichel
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A Hypergeometric Versionof the Modularity of Rigid Calabi–Yau Manifolds Wadim Zudilin
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Notes on Non-Generic Isomonodromy Deformations Davide Guzzetti
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Discrete Orthogonal Polynomials with Hypergeometric Weights and Painlevé VI Galina Filipuk, Walter Van Assche
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On Lagrangians with Reduced-Order Euler–Lagrange Equations David Saunders
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Computing Special $L$-Values of Certain Modular Forms with Complex Multiplication Wen-Ching Winnie Li, Ling Long, Fang-Ting Tu
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Painlevé IV Critical Asymptotics for Orthogonal Polynomials in the Complex Plane Marco Bertola, José Gustavo Elias Rebelo, Tamara Grava
091 |
An Infinite Family of Maximally Superintegrable Systems in a Magnetic Field with Higher Order Integrals Antonella Marchesiello, Libor Šnobl
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A Riemann–Hilbert Approach to the Heun Equation Boris Dubrovin, Andrei Kapaev
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Higher Obstructions of Complex Supermanifolds Kowshik Bettadapura
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Tronquée Solutions of the Third and Fourth Painlevé Equations Xiaoyue Xia
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The Variational Bi-Complex for Systems of Semi-Linear Hyperbolic PDEs in Three Variables Sara Froehlich
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A Note on the Formal Groups of Weighted Delsarte Threefolds Yasuhiro Goto
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Anti-Yetter–Drinfeld Modules for Quasi-Hopf Algebras Ivan Kobyzev, Ilya Shapiro
098 |
Generalized Lennard-Jones Potentials, SUSYQM and Differential Galois Theory Manuel F. Acosta-Humánez, Primitivo B. Acosta-Humánez, Erick Tuirán
099 |
Morita Equivalent Blocks of Symmetric Groups Benjamin Sambale
100 |
Macdonald Polynomials of Type $\boldsymbol{C_n}$ with One-Column Diagrams and Deformed Catalan Numbers Ayumu Hoshino, Jun'ichi Shiraishi
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Hesse Pencils and 3-Torsion Structures Ane S. I. Anema, Jaap Top, Anne Tuijp
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Virtual Crystals and Nakajima Monomials Ben Salisbury, Travis Scrimshaw
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Drinfeld–Sokolov Hierarchies, Tau Functions, and Generalized Schur Polynomials Mattia Cafasso, Ann du Crest de Villeneuve, Di Yang
104 |
Quantum Abelian Yang–Mills Theory on Riemannian Manifolds with Boundary Homero G. Díaz-Marín, Robert Oeckl
105 |
Generalized Hermite Polynomials and Monodromy-Free Schrödinger Operators Victor Yu. Novokshenov
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Large $z$ Asymptotics for Special Function Solutions of Painlevé II in the Complex Plane Alfredo Deaño
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Hyper-Algebras of Vector-Valued Modular Forms Martin Raum
108 |
Inverse of Infinite Hankel Moment Matrices Christian Berg, Ryszard Szwarc
109 |
Zhegalkin Zebra Motives Digital Recordings of Mirror Symmetry Jan Stienstra
110 |
The Moduli Spaces of Parabolic Connections with a Quadratic Differential and Isomonodromic Deformations Arata Komyo
111 |
Strictly Positive Definite Functions on Compact Two-Point Homogeneous Spaces: the Product Alternative Rafaela N. Bonfim, Jean C. Guella, Valdir A. Menegatto
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Three-Parameter Solutions of the PV Schlesinger-Type Equation near the Point at Infinity and the Monodromy Data Shun Shimomura
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Characterizing Moonshine Functions by Vertex-Operator-Algebraic Conditions Scott Carnahan, Takahiro Komuro, Satoru Urano
114 |
The Smallest Singular Values and Vector-Valued Jack Polynomials Charles F. Dunkl
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Normal Functions over Locally Symmetric Varieties Ryan Keast, Matt Kerr
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Truncated Solutions of Painlevé Equation $\mathrm{P_V}$ Rodica D. Costin
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Integral Regulators for Higher Chow Complexes Muxi Li
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Initial-Boundary Value Problem for Stimulated Raman Scattering Model: Solvability of Whitham Type System of Equations Arising in Long-Time Asymptotic Analysis Rustem R. Aydagulov, Alexander A. Minakov
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Simple Lax Description of the ILW Hierarchy Alexandr Buryak, Paolo Rossi
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Matrix Bailey Lemma and the Star-Triangle Relation Kamil Yu. Magadov, Vyacheslav P. Spiridonov
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Quadratic Differential Equations in Three Variables without Multivalued Solutions: Part I Adolfo Guillot
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On Solutions of the Fuji–Suzuki–Tsuda System Pavlo Gavrilenko, Nikolai Iorgov, Oleg Lisovyy
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Morita Invariance of Intrinsic Characteristic Classes of Lie Algebroids Pedro Frejlich
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On the Increasing Tritronquée Solutions of the Painlevé-II Equation Peter D. Miller
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Structure Relations of Classical Orthogonal Polynomials in the Quadratic and $q$-Quadratic Variable Maurice Kenfack Nangho, Kerstin Jordaan
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Parallels between Moduli of Quiver Representations and Vector Bundles over Curves Victoria Hoskins
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Deformations of Pre-Symplectic Structures: a Dirac Geometry Approach Florian Schätz, Marco Zambon
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Aspects of the Topology and Combinatorics of Higgs Bundle Moduli Spaces Steven Rayan
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On Gradings Modulo $2$ of Simple Lie Algebras in Characteristic $2$ Andrey Krutov, Alexei Lebedev
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Eigenvalue Problems for Lamé's Differential Equation Hans Volkmer
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Elliptic Dynamical Quantum Groups and Equivariant Elliptic Cohomology Giovanni Felder, Richárd Rimányi, Alexander Varchenko
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Field Theory with Coordinate Dependent Noncommutativity Daniel N. Blaschke, François Gieres, Stefan Hohenegger, Manfred Schweda, Michael Wohlgenannt
133 |
A Product on Double Cosets of $B_\infty$ Pablo Gonzalez Pagotto
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Higher-Order Analogs of Lie Algebroids via Vector Bundle Comorphisms Michał Jóźwikowski, Mikołaj Rotkiewicz
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Fundamental Solutions and Gegenbauer Expansions of Helmholtz Operators in Riemannian Spaces of Constant Curvature Howard S. Cohl, Thinh H. Dang, T. M. Dunster
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Singular Degenerations of Lie Supergroups of Type $D(2,1;a)$ Kenji Iohara, Fabio Gavarini
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